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Tomahawk's POV

As soon as the meet-up was over, Graser practicly picked Devon up and dragged him away. 

I stayed where I was, knowing they didn't want me to follow. I talked to H and Parker.

Devon's POV

I followed Bayani, Graser, Rusher and Dolphin to a small ally so we could talk with no one following us, or listening to us. "So, what do you want to say?" I asked. Rusher and Dolphin leaned on the side of the ally wall. Graser had his arms crossed and Bayani had his hands on his hips. "Why are you doing this?" Graser asked. I shrugged. "What do you mean?" "Why are you taking advantige of Tomahawk?" Bayani answered. "I'm not." I shook my head slightly. "He is 16 years old, Devon! You say I love you, We can be happy together. All you have to do is hug me and fuck me. Is that it, Devon? You tell him the world wants you two together? Force him into your 'hugs'? Are you some sick Freak that needs little boys to pleasure him?" I pointed my finger at Bayani, pushed my eyebrows together and barked through my teeth. "I NEVER said that to him! I have NEVER had sex with him! NEVER have I EVER thought of hurting him." "Then what is it Devon? Why all the sudden the like for little boys?" Rusher said leaning off the wall. "or have you always liked little boys? Is that is?" He continued. "You son of a-" I pushed Him back to the wall. "NO!" I backed away so Dolhpin didn't hit me. "I only told him twenty minuets ago! I didn't even ask him out! All I said was I liked him. That was IT." "Then why did you come to the meet up, hand in hand?" Dolphin asked. "Because he said he felt the same way. What was I to say?" I asked. My eyes bouncing from Graser to Bayani, Rusher to Dolhpin. "You could have told him he was to young." Graser commented. I looked at him. "How hard, do you think, that would be? To turn down the person you have liked for so long, when they liked you back? What type of person would I look like in his eyes, if I told him I liked him, then rejected him?" "You would look bad. I agree." Dolphin said, but he continued. "You could have explained." "You guys don't understand! I like him too! I would have had to rip my own heart out!" Dolphin nodded again. 

"Well...You need to tell him that you can't be together." Graser whispered. 

"E-Excuse me?" He raised his lowered head and looked right into my eyes. "If you don't, we will find a way to." I shook my head slightly. "You can't make Julio and I be apart. Now now that I know your plan." Bayani smirked. 

"You don't know our plan." 


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