It's Not Appropriate

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Rusher's POV

Devon left the room. I stood there like an idiot, blood drying to my face, and thought about what he had said. 

well taking Julio away from me, may as well be killing me

Devon returned with a small towel and bandages. "Sit down." He said, as pale as he could. I sat on the bed, he leaned close to me and wipped blood off my face. "..ow.." I whispered. "Yeah. Sorry." He leaned away and tossed the towel away. "It's not bleeding any more." He said. "Good. But about what you said.." I started. He put some weird bandage on my nose and let me talk. "I understand him. But it's still not appropriate. You know that...don't you? That's why you reacted the way you did in the resturant, isn't?" He looked at me. "Maybe. That's not why I called you over here." I stood. "No, you called me over here to punch me in the face." He pushed me back on the bed. "No. I called you here to talk about the paper you gave Julio. Why did you give it to him?" He stared at me with such sharp eyes, I thought he was going to pull them out and stab me. "Incase he needed me. I wanted to let him know I would always be there." "Why would he need you? He can go to me." "What if you're the problem? Huh?" "I wont be the problem. I'm not a sick freak, like you think I am. I am the SAME Devon you knew before me and Julio where together. Why can't you get that through your THICK skulls!?" I stood slowly. Taking a step closer to him, he took a step back. He knew I was stronger then he was. "Because I don't believe you. It would be so easy for a man of your smarts, your power, your body to intimidate a boy of his age. All you have to do is say he's just a boy, he couldn't tak it. I know Tomahawk. He would think you were making fun of him. He would go for anything. Weather he could take it or not. You may not even mean it! But you can take advatige of him. You can hurt him." "I told him that if I ever hurt him, he is to tell me." He tried staying calm. I meaned in close. "But if he wants to show he's strong, he wont tell you." I leaned away and walked toward the door. I left him standing there. Not turning to look at him, I opened the door. "That's why I gave him the paper."

I walked out the door and shut it behind me. 

Tomahawk's POV

I walked up to the elivator and pressed the button for the floor which Devon's room was on.

The doors opened and Rusher walked off. "Hey...Rusher?" I asked. "Hey Tomahawk." "Why where you..?" He cut me off by pushing me into the elivator. He smiled. "Next time? Bring your paper with you." My hand went to my pocket. The paper wasn't there. "How...What?" He smiled again and I noticed blood on his shirt. I was about to ask how the hell he got blood on his shirt, when he waved and the doors closed.

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