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"Her face it bloomed like a sweet flowerAnd stole my heart away complete

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"Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower
And stole my heart away complete."

      I watched her from across the classroom. She was so beautiful.

She had the biggest smile on her face and it was so contagious it had me smiling hard. I probably looked so silly staring at her and cheesing like a fool, but I didn't even care.

I hadn't even spoke to her, but once. And even then I could barely utter a single word.


I was walking down the hallway with my head down, trying to avoid any eye contact with anyone. I was successful at having no association with anyone besides my best friends Casey and Logan the whole school year until,

"Oh my goodness." I knocked into someone, "I am so sorry." They said to me in a hurried voice.

I looked up into the persons face, about to tell them off, but my voice wouldn't work.

"I-I...my, uh." I stuttered out a bunch of gibberish. This caused the girl to laugh.

"I'm Rose." She held out her hand for me to shake.

She was so beautiful. She had curly brown hair that cascaded down her back, her skin was tan with light freckles all over, and her eyes were the most beautiful hazel color.

"You're Owen. Right?" She asked me. "Owen Baker? You hang out with those two guys Casey and Logan."

      I nodded with my eyes widened. I pushed up the glasses that were falling down the bridge of my nose and began to fumble with my fingers. She smiled at me.

      "That's my favorite color." she pointed down at my black hoodie and smirked. "I'll see you around, Owen." And she had me. It's been a year. We hadn't talked since then and I hadn't told anyone about my crush, not that there was anyone to tell besides Casey and Logan. But I knew they'd tease me about it.

      "Owen." I jumped in my seat, startled. Everyone's eyes were on me and some were snickering. I looked at Mr. Reynolds and raised my eyebrows.

      "Yes?" I asked him.

      "Could you please come up to the front and answer this problem?" He asked me while holding out a white board marker.

      "Uh...y-yeah. Sure." I stood up and walked past a bunch of popular kids. Some of them were laughing at me and one guy even tried to trip me.

      "Austin! Cut it out." Mr. Reynolds snapped at him.

      I got to the board and I looked at the problem. I suck at math. I could never get the answers right on anything number related. I scanned the problem a few times then wrote the first thing that came to my head. 12.

      "Twelve!?" Austin shouted out loud laughing. I turned around to look at him. "You really are a stupid homo." That made everyone in the class laugh.

      I looked around the classroom and caught Rose's eye. She was frowning at me with a sympathetic look on her face. I just set the marker down, ignoring everyone's loud insults, and walked back to my seat.

      "Owen. Good try." Mr. Reynolds smiled at me. "And Mr. Jenkins, I am tired of your shit. Get out of my classroom."

      Austin's face faltered and I held back a laugh. "You can't say that to me!" He whined like a child.

      "Get OUT!" Mr. Reynolds shouted at him which made everyone jump. Austin scrambled to get out of the class room, avoiding my stare.

      Before he left the room, he turned around and faced me. "You're gonna regret that ass wipe." He pointed his finger at me.

      I slumped down in my seat and closed my eyes.

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