A coffee date

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~yup that pic is mine!~

It had been a couple of days since Alucard made you his. You were sat in your room brushing your (H/C) hair making it feel as soft as a feather. You sighed as you looked at the faint marks on your neck from the passionate night you had with him the night before and smirked as you used some makeup to cover them not wanting Integra to know yet that you and Alucard are together. The past few days have been full of you two acting like nothing has been happening between you. Then making fireworks in the evening. A knock on your door takes you out of thought and you get up walking to the door. You wrap your hand around the cold handle and turn it. As you open it up you see your lover on the other side.

Y/N: oh hello
Alucard: Hello my queen...Integra wants to see you in her office.

A groan escapes your lips showing you didnt want to see her. You run your fingers through your hair and sighs.

Y/N: fine im going.

Befor you leave Alucard pulls you into a long passionate kiss then disappears. You laugh to yourself as you go to Integras office. You knock on the door and hear a faint 'come in'. You open the door and walk upto your old friend who had a cigar hanging out her mouth.

Intergra: we need you and Alucard to go on a mission to the outskirts of oxford. Rouge vampires had been spotted there and we need you two to take care of it.

Y/N: yes sir.

Integra hands you a file and as you take it she looks into your eyes.

Integra: you leave in 7hrs...dont let me down Y/N.

Y/N: i wont sir.

You turn and walk out the office and head down to your room. Once in you lay down on your bed and sigh. Until you feel a presence crawl next to you and embrace you. You smile as you look at Alucard.

Y/N: i have the file if you want it.
Alucard: i already know it all...lets kill time and go out for a little date

You smile and nod.

~le time skip to the cafe~

You sit at the table with Alucard enjoying a nice cup of (insert coffee or tea choice here). You look out the window distracted as Alucard is trying to talk to you.
You freeze when you see someone one walk down the street and make eye contact with you.

Y/N: oh no...

Alucard freezes and looks at you then the window and a growl emits from his throat as the figure approaches and comes in to you to.

Alucard: maxwell..
Enrico: Alucard...

He looks at you and a smile creeps on his face.

Enrico: ah Y/N...so nice to see you again..

Alucard X Reader Lemon: When I Became The Queen Of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now