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Hanna Pov
As I looked in the mirror I was not surprised at all when a other face looked back it was me just the perfect me. Everything about me made me looked like the finest art sculpture. One of the changes that had happened when I woke up was my ears as now they were pointed. Letting a finger pass over them I felt how sensitive they were.
A other change was the fact that I did not need time to adapt to my new body. As I was higher and stronger but it felt as if I had always been like this.

I took on a forest green dress that was given to me by the lord. It was beautiful and fittest all my curves perfectly. I took a spin and enjoyed how it flew around me. Yet it was time for dinner as a bell rang and it sound spread like waves over the valley. Getting out of my room I started walking down to the halls. My cape was not matching my dress so I figured out I would dropp it.

It felt like one of the biggest mistakes as when I walked down the hallways I could feel eyes on me and I heared their whispering about me being a goddess or some sort of godly messenger. When I got to the dining Halls I was surprised to look back and saw a hole flock with elves. But they did not go inn as they where not invited for this feast. I opened the doors and walked in sitting down beside Gandalf in between him and Glorifiel. Yet as I had walked in everyone had stopped talking and was just watching me.

-is that you Lady Hanna? Gandalf asked.
- it is a pleasure to meet you my name is Hanna, I said bowing lightly with my head.
Poor Legolas as he looked like he could not belive what he was seeing and he looked aw struck.

It did take a bit time before the company around the table gathered them self and actually managed to introduce them self to me.

- Lady Hanna my name is Legolas Thranduil prince of Mirkwood and it is a pleasure to be in company of such a beautiful elleth. He looked at me and I could feel my cheeks getting bit warmer. After we had eaten he asked me for a walk.

We walked around Rivendell before he stopped infront of the waterfalls and turned to me.
- Lady Hanna please come with me to Mirkwood,
- I know you are my soul mate but I wish to get to know you better.
He bowed down and took my hand and said
- I will wait for your approval until then I do my best to win your heart.

We walked around and chatted a bit. He told me about his Ada and their kingdom. When I asked about his mother he said she was already in the undying lands. So I gave him a hug at whish he seemed surprised but returned it.

When our walk was over I told Gandalf that I was to join the prince back to his realm and he wished me good luck. Telling me something of him having anyway to go on a trip or something. But promesing that we would meet again. The days at Rivendell ended and of I went with the prince to his realm. The guards seemed to be kind and fun to be around. Mostly joking that if Legolas did not do a good job courting they would snatch my heart.

It took some time before we arrived at Mirkwood. On the trip I got to know Legolas better and he was a kind soul that had to go true hard times as his Ada was strict but mostly because of he was afraid to loose his son. Yet as we arrived we were taken to the hall. Thranduil sat on his throne and I could see beyond the magic that keept his burns hidden. It stung me as I knew how painful it had to be. Yet the king had not given up. So when we sat down to eat as everyone was hungry from the trip I locked my eyes with the king and with a delicate voice that only Legolas heard the dragon burn mended and his eye sight was coming back. When I finished I got back to my food as the King litterly stormed out of the room heading for the healers wing.

- What did you do Lady Hanna? Legolas asked bit consecerned as he did not wish for me to end up in the dungeon.
- My gift is in singing, I whisperd to him.
When we finished our meal one of the guards said the king wanted to see us in his study.
When we got there the king was sitting on a chair with a healer beside him.

- What did you do lady Hanna how did you heal my dragon burn? He asked me. Demanding awnsers.
-  Well my king I have a gift when it comes to singing, I stopped up as I could see their brains turning.
- my songs can bring healing but please don't tell anyone, I said.

The king and the healer and even Legolas looked at me with big eyes.
- so are you an Ainur? The king asked carefully.
- To be honest I do not know or remember I just know my songs are different then those of this world.

They looked at me confused.
-so you are an Ainur from a different world or send by Eru Iluvatar even after the world was created. This they asked as only other world was that of the gods that did not come down to sing the world.
- I don't know but please keep my gift secret as I do not wish for to many to know.

They looked at me and bowed.
- if that is what you wish we will Lady Hanna of new songs.

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