Untitled Part 4

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Things changed after that i think. The king seemed much more careful around me while other elfs looked at me with suspicious glares.
I was sitting down in one of the gardens being fed up with the place and every one not accepting me since I just game in and then in their eyes took their prince heart. Also as I look more beautiful then normal there was rumors about me being different things.

I took of me my leather shoes and let my feets feel the grass under them. Helping me to ground my self but also to relax. As I felt the grass under my feets I also felt Greenwood as it's old name was. I could feel the elfs and the kingdom with its magic to keep the elves safe from danger. It was like a symbiote reletionship with the royalty if one can explain it that way. They where Greenwood and greenwood was them. It was the reason the king could control the forest because it was just a part of him.

Digging deeper into the forest I could see like a picture in my head of the forest like a elk standing in front of me shimmering in the light barley visible. But the more I focused on seeing the details the more tierd I became but the elk got more visible.
- Hanna! Someone was shouting for me.

Letting my self and my magic back to my body I just had enough time to turn around to see Legolas and some guards stumbling into the garden all looked heavily surprised and unable to find their words.

Legolas Pov
I looked for Hanna as the forest was changing and both me and my Ada could hear its songs clearer. And just the leafs and the grass seemed suddenly greener. Getting bit worried for Hanna as magic is dangerous if not controlled I took some guards with me to help me look for her. Yet as we arrived to one of the other gardens we could not belive our eyes.

Hanna stood there lightly glowing in the sun. Her eyes in a beautiful golden color. It was as if for the minute her hole body became even more unearthly. My soul screamed in happiness as she was our one and I knew that I was lucky elf. Her shoes where sitting under a bench.

Around her bare feets where full of different wild flowers of the most unique type. Some looked like of legends. Wines of roses had grown as an bridge over her to keep the sun from burning her and it was in full bloom with snow whithe pedals falling like the snow to the ground as we had disturbed her. She had a faith smile on her lips as she was pointing toward a completely whithe stag that seemed to shimmer bit blue in the sun light. It was definitely the king of the forest. Some legends say it is the personality of the forest and it was coming her way.

I bowed down as we Silvan elves always learn to respect nature as we live in the forest. And it is the forest that have protected us. The elk happily got over to Hanna and let her pet it.  She seemed to even talk with it a bit before it came over to me and the guards. All of us still bowing. It then licked my chin before disipearing into the forest. Yet in the second of contact I had with it the forest had time to tell me I was accepted as a royal.

It brightend my soul as it meant I did not need to fear that I was not good enough longer. Yet I would not give up becoming the best of who I can become. I walked over to Hanna after it was gone and gave her a hug before I senced what I was doing.

Hannas pov
When the elk was gone Legolas stood up with the brightest smile on his face and gave me a hug. Before pulling back a second later with a faith blush on his cheeks.

The guards stood up and followed us back to the halls as it had been a surprise when no one of them had been able to find me.

- Prince Legolas thank you for your concern but I am fine, I told him.
- As the forest started shifting I was afraid for you since you disipear, he told be truthfully.

It made me blush a bit. It was just such a surprise to have a prince care so deeply. It felt almost like a fairy tale. That a prince of amazing beauty and strength would love me.

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