4. Pursuing The Not So Pursuable

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Everything went downhill after Leon told Harry he should get a girlfriend. Prior to that statement, everything about lunch on this Monday had been going okay. I wasn't eating in the restroom! I was actually sitting with people who wanted me around.

However, concerning Harry's need for a companion, he had other ideas. After slapping Leon, Harry told him girls are only trouble when you have to focus on one. Quoting Harry exactly, girls are "Wild hormones who obsessively text and hound a guy until they know he is all theirs."

Then Vida told him girls are not always texting and Melody agreed. Ryan said they were both freakin' liars. Harry laughed and told them Ryan was right. Leon decided to just keep quiet, placing a left over yogurt of his in my lap.

Then Melody said boys make sure to get girls phone numbers which makes girls think boys want them to text them. Vida nodded, agreeing with this.

And then I decided to agree also and say Bastion had done this same thing to me.

Oh hell.

"Bastion texted you?!" Melody screamed, bounding up from the table.

"What a player!" Harry cried, falling over on Ryan's shoulder who quickly pushed him away.

I was busy shaking my head vigorously, wishing I could grab the words I had just spoken out of the air and stuff them back into my big mouth. But as I glanced around the amazed faces of my five companions, I knew all was lost.

"Douche bag...already hitting on the new girl," Ryan mumbled, gazing at me.

I was still shaking my head, my fists clenched with anxiety. "He wasn't...he wasn't trying to like...be a player. He's the VP's kid. He probably just got my phone number out of like...like my student file."

"He is such a creeper!" Vida bellowed as her little hands reached above her head to make her statement all the more disturbing.

Leon just parted his mouth to make a small grin, twisting his fork in his spaghetti.

He glanced over at me and nudged my elbow, "He's probably already bugged your phone with his CIA tracking device. Don't go home...by now he has your family. You're next..."

I tried to suppress my laughter as Leon beamed to reveal his pearly teeth. The rest of the table was just silent; both perplexed and angered expressions on their faces.

"Leon, how is this funny?" Vida cried, "Bastion is a certified stalker."

"He texted her," Leon stated, now sounding serious, "I don't think that makes him a stalker. At least he didn't follow her home...right, Harry?"

Harry gulped down some of his soda, while looking down. This made the tension at our table slowly decease. I still, however, received lingering worried looks from Vida. Those would stay with me for the rest of the day.

A few minutes later, the school bell rang and each of us began to go our separate ways in pairs. Leon and Vida had chemistry lab and Melody and Harry were off to PE. That left Ryan and I to attend history. I actually kind of liked being with him even though I was certain he despised me.

On Friday, I had learned of our shared class. Ryan wasn't thrilled at all. He was pissed. But today was a different day; maybe things would be different too.

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