9. Don't Steal A Girl's Man

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"You will not believe who just asked me out…come on, guess."

"Harry, if you said I won't believe…then how is it possible for me to guess?"

Harry pondered the question a moment before shrugging, "I don't really know…but you won't believe it. Now please, just guess."

Vida just groaned, losing all patience with her rather incompetent friend. After pushing her glasses farther on her face and pulling her short shirt down. She was reading an Italian book. I couldn't pronounce the name. Today I learned that Vida can speak and read six different languages. No wonder she's always mumbling things about the Populars I can't even understand.

"Will someone please guess?!" Harry asked loudly, making the five of us "shush" him stridently.

We were all currently in the school library during our free period. Ryan and I were quizzing each other on the history exam tomorrow. He wasn't too thrilled with the idea but he was willing to go over a few topics. Leon was writing a twelve page essay on his computer, making him rather silent. And Melody…she was filing her nails. She said it was productive. I wasn't convinced.

"Leah Miner," Ryan said as he pointed to a relatively important paragraph in my textbook. I nodded, acknowledging his advice.

"Nope, better," Harry said with slyness in his voice. I think he was just glad someone was playing his game.

"Meena from PE?" Melody said, groaning as one of her nails became slightly smaller than the rest.

"I said better, didn't I?" Harry replied obviously.

"Goodwin?" Leon added out of nowhere.

"Close, but no."

"Oh, just tell us who the hell you're talking about?" Vida said finally, urgency and annoyance in her voice.

"Alright, alright," Harry said before pausing, equating to the already evident anticipation, "I'm going on a date with…Julie Barker!"

We all knew we were in a library. It's pretty much the only place on earth where you are required to "shut up" in public. But this was Julie Barker, the hater I was currently still trying to avoid. And well, I wasn't the only who disliked her.

"You…imbecile!" shrieked the bookworm as her manuscript rose above her head before it came crashing down on the unknowing victim. Today, I also learned that Vida has very little self control and self temperament.

"I can't believe you!" she added, as she sprung to her feet. I was certain she about to figure out a way to murder Harry with her own glasses. Ryan had now stood up as well, both to glare at Harry who was quaking on the ground and to hold his now beyond infuriated friend back,

"Calm down Vida…" he murmured before turning his gaze to the ground, "And Harry, how could you? That witch hates us. If she had her way, we'd all be rotting somewhere in Canada."

"Always have to beat up on Canadians…" Leon stated, "Harry…you're a doofus; a big doofus. A big, stupid, idiotic doofus named Harry. Hmm…did I mention you were a doofus?"

"I agree…" Melody voiced after she completed her nails, "Julie is a skank…she's only doing this to benefit herself."

"What is wrong with you people?!" Harry screamed hastily, "It's just a date! I'm not marrying the beast…I'm just trying to tame her, you know?"

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