1. Change

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Authors note: So I decided to make a sequel to love me crazy, I just knew I wanted to go through with it. Why? Simply because I think I can make a sequel that will expound and enhance the previous story. That truly is the reason for this story. Oh...and because most of the reviews wanted one too. (I was so happy to see such a positive response!) I'm so excited to be writing about these characters again. I'm not sure which story I will like more...we'll see. I hope reviewers from my last story will come and read this story. I really do! Also, for anyone who hasn't read the first story, love me crazy, it is quite important that you do. I try to give a background in this story but it's not complete without the previous book. So...I guess without further ado...here is kiss me crazy.

During my short lifetime, I've concluded that fathers are the only people who immediately become awkward when discussing 'change'. Yes, 'change'. Change refers to the time of life when your voice sounds like a broken keyboard, your face is breaking out in pimples, and your body starts doing some pretty strange crap.

It's when you reach that time in your life that fathers start to tense up. They try to teach you about altering bodily functions by using tools and pillows. They try to explain that you're only going through a cycle. And they try not to pass out as they teach you about...well...puberty.

However recently, I've come to find that fathers aren't the only tongue-tied, embarrassed instructors in the ways of life.

No, my mom has that duty all taken care of.

When I received my lovely gift from Mother Nature, the period...or menstrual cycle if you will, my mother decided to tell me I was currently a caterpillar in a cocoon. She said that right then I was undergoing a transformation from a little girl to a mature woman. She said that during this journey there would be triumphs and failures, happiness and pain, love and broken hearts. She then determined that my period was the start of the rest of my life.

Being only thirteen, I was pretty disgusted with this analogy. A puddle of blood in my pants every month was not my idea of a 'fun' rest of my life! Not to mention, caterpillars and cocoons are pretty darn ugly.

As you can see, my mother is pretty awkward. I would have simply appreciated the raw facts on the matter. Being a girl sucks. But in her uncomfortable storytelling, my mother was able to clean up her act...a little.

She said that at the end of all this growth and transforming, I would turn into a lovely butterfly. My colorful, painted wings would spread with beauty and give off an air of knowledge. I would then fly off into my future to live happily ever after, of course.

It was cliché but certainly better than hearing about periods and cocoons. And so, for awhile, I thought only people could become butterflies. But once again, I learned that I'm usually wrong. Turns out anything can change...even something as concrete as the sidewalk.

I'm certain this all sounds crazy...but if someone were to randomly enter my life, they would see all the change. And they would be certain, that everything turns into a butterfly in some way or another. It may be an ugly creature...but it has changed, that's for sure.

So...where are all these butterflies? Where is all this change?

Wake up...look...it's there.

"Mom, Mom!"

My feet thundered through the house as I poked my head in and out of every room. If no one was within the room, I ran to another. My feet...thundered? I hoped I wasn't gaining weight. I wasn't drinking all this water for nothing.


Where the heck was she? Working at home means one usually should be accessible at home. I ran down the stairs, tripping over several dirty clothes strewn on the steps. I groaned; Oliver and his nasty habit of being a professional slob.

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