8. My Bastion... My Vincent

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He was my Bastion.

It had come straight from his lips.

He was my Bastion.


He said my name. It sounded so different now. He used to make my name sound graceful and lovely. He made me forget the clumsiness and foolishness of my name. Now, now it just sounded decrepit.

"Yes," I replied. The building was so cold it almost took my speech away.


His command seemed rather cruel but I did as I was told. This was the prayer room, the room where the Welles used to plea their hopes and wishes every morning. It was even more dusty and dirty now. The pews were almost unbearably filthy.

I observed as the guy-err, Bastion walked over to a pew a couple of rows ahead of mine. He seemed to walk with a limp now. I don't know how I hadn't noticed it before. I suppose I was too entranced. I guess now I was able to see all his flaws. I suppose he could see mine as well.

When he finally sat, there was a silence.

I still wanted to embrace him but I didn't dare. No, not after last time.

This might be Bastion...but he wasn't the same.

...Although...he still was beautiful.

"My family has returned to Kingston," he started lowly, gazing up at the ceiling. He wouldn't look at me. "When we left a year ago, there was still unfinished business. We have returned to finish that business and that business only. Our presence here is one that will remain as inconspicuous as possible."

His head gave a slight turn. And then, without warning, his eyes pierced into me. He was squinting, his eyes a dark jade color. His glower made me breathe heavily. It felt like he had complete control over me. My body wouldn't move.

"I wasn't supposed to see you."

The words fell from his mouth with distaste. It looked as if just speaking the sentence made him sick. His expression made me want to cut so badly. I dug my nails into my forearm. It was my only resort at the moment. It would have to suffice.

Why wasn't he supposed to see me? Why wouldn't he want to see me?! I had been waiting for so long. I had been tortured so long. Had he forgotten all the time we had spent together? Had he forgotten me?

"Why?" I whispered, plowing my nails farther into my skin. Some blood was starting to surface. I sighed. It hurt but it didn't hurt enough.

I didn't want this to be my Bastion anymore. I would wait another year...and another and another—I would wait a lifetime for my Bastion.

But this, this person before me, was only making the pain of losing my truest love all the more agonizing.

"Because..." he said, "You knew me from before. We aren't supposed to see people from before."

I looked up. He was staring at me. I just wanted to smack him and tell him to leave me alone. I wanted him to shut up with all his lies! And yet...I remained in my pew.

"The whole Kingston district knew your family," I said, clutching my arm, "People will notice you."

"We don't live in the Kingston district."

I raised an eyebrow. "Then...then why were you in the park three days ago?"

"Finishing...unfinished business."

I wanted to roll my eyes. The wonder of this figure had worn off. Yes, already. I didn't care for him at all now. Not one damn bit! This couldn't be my Bastion!

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