12. Prom... Nuff Said

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"...I look so ugly."

"No, you don't! You look like a beautiful, lovely, downright smoking hot princess."

"...Your obligated to say that. You're my mom..."

"Honey, I don't care if I'm your mom, your ant, or the hobo on the bus...you look outstanding."

Part of me really wanted to give in and believe what my mom was saying was true. But I couldn't do that. Whatever her excuse, she was still my mom. She had to say I looked pretty or I would commit suicide or something.

I stroked the sides of my dress and sighed. I didn't want to admit that I actually liked wearing a dress.

But it wasn't just any dress. It was my prom dress. My prom dress. Oh, the oxymoroness of it all.

It was a simple black dress, fitted at the top but kind of billowed out at the bottom. It was made of a smooth, silk like fabric covered in black lace. Several blue flowers lined the hem of it while several others traced up my torso. It was strapless so I constantly felt the need to pull it farther over my chest. My mom would slap my hand, smile, and tell me boy's liked cleavage whenever I did so. I just groaned.

By boys...she had to mean...nevermind.

I was still in the process of telling my mother I wasn't going to prom. I had changed my mind so many times about saying yes to Leon over the past few days. I had almost hoped that Loran would say she couldn't go to the ski resort. Maybe then I wouldn't have to go through this torture. This torture that is prom.

Prom...with Leon.

And now, the fatal night had arrived.

"I'm so glad Leon asked you," my mom said, pinning on my corsage, "I had a feeling he would."

I sighed. "Mom, Leon has a girlfriend. The only reason he asked me was because Loran is out of town. He was desperate."

"He was thrilled," my mother responded, "He was hoping that Loran girl would leave so that he could ask you. I know it. I have mom intuition."

I snorted. "Yeah. Whatever. ...Oh mom, do I really have to go? I don't want to anymore. I'll make a fool of myself and everyone will laugh and...it's just going to be horrible! And I don't want to look stupid and ugly in front of Leon. And...and I'm not-"

Suddenly, my mom grasped my arms and throttled me towards her. My eyes widened. She had a firm frown on her face.

"Look here," she said, "We did not go frantic dress shopping for nine hours yesterday for you not to go. I did not send John to three flower stores to find you the best corsage for you not to go. I did not tell Oliver to disappear for you not to go. And Leon...did not ask you for you to not go. Mary, you are the most beautiful, most insane, most wonderful daughter in the world. I love you. And I never thought you would ever agree to go to prom! I mean...I thought my little baby girl would never go to prom. And now your going and I have to believe it. And you're going to get picked up and you're...you're going to have the best time. So don't worry. Just enjoy this, my dear. Okay?"

Leaning forward, my mother gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. I sighed.

How could I argue against that?

"You look so adorable! Ugh, I gotta get the camera. When will he be here?" my mom squealed.

I rubbed my arms. "Seven...it's 6:50, mom."

"I know!" she called, racing down the stairs like a child. I could hear her call for John in the distance as she began to panic in her search for the camera.

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