5. Invites And Declines

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So I've been in Phoenix, Arizona for exactly two weeks. I must say, I like it here. Sure, it's a hotter in October than it would ever get during Connecticut's summers. And I'm pretty sure most of the students here think I'm a living witch. And of course, there are the zombie neighbors.

But at school, during lunchtime, I found something that feels real. Part of me wants to believe it is.

Everyday at 12:00, I plant myself between Vida and Leon, with my meager amount of food. Leon immediately passes his yogurt to me and Melody gives me five chips. I give her two chocolate chip cookies that she shares with Harry. Harry pretty much eats all of Vida's food and Vida doesn't eat at all. Ryan finally gives up his cupcake to Melody who gives half to Leon who gives a quarter to me.

I love it. I love everything about it. I had always dreamed of being a girl who shared food with people. Weird dream, I know. But, when it happens, I feel so included. I feel so wanted. I feel good.

"Alright everyone," Melody said, her eyes almost bouncing out of her head with excitement, "I have an announcement!"

"This is never a good thing..." Leon whispered into my ear.

Melody frowned Leon's way as she pulled her legs out from under the lunch table and then stood on the bench. Ryan sighed, trying to hide his embarrassment as several students looked at our table.

"We are going to be part of the prom committee!" her voice cried. Smiling down at us for ten seconds, Melody quickly plopped down and awaited our response.

"You have got to be shitting me," Harry finally replied, stuffing one of my cookies in his mouth. The rest of us nodded in reply.

"What?!" she exclaimed.

"Mel, we're not even going to prom. So, why would we be on the prom committee?" Vida questioned.

"I'm going to prom!" Melody retorted.

"You're a cheerleader," Leon replied, "It's your obligation to go. Not ours. Please...please don't make us make prom."

This made Melody's mouth fall open and her perfectly waxed eyebrows curl in confusion. Her tiny nose quivered which meant she was on the verge of superficial tears. I had been with her long enough to know pretty much all of her supposed emotions.

"Please don't cry..." Ryan pleaded, noticing all of the observers, "People are watching..."

"Well maybe I don't care!" Melody screamed, her face falling into her palms.

Leon rolled his eyes, stealing a chip from my lunch tray. Vida just sighed as she gently caressed Melody's quivering body. Melody had now made it so that tears were falling from her face. I tried to withhold laughter.

"Look, we've got class," Harry remarked after awhile, "Come on Melody, we have to go."

"I'm not going anywhere! Just leave me to myself you...jerks!"

Leon shook his head as he got to his feet, "Whenever she starts calling us jerks it's time to leave."

Vida nodded in agreement and Harry and I just decided to do the same. However, Ryan was still sitting at the table, gazing at the crying cheerleader. I lowly smiled, noticing how much Ryan was hurt by her fake tears.

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