13. Walking In Your Large Footsteps

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Some time passed after my tragedy on the football field. At first, I tried to tell myself that it had never happened-that I had never been so cruelly humiliated in front of the whole school. But when I saw people point, chatter, and laugh...I knew it had. And although Julie was the wrongdoer, no one looked on her with disdain. She was just the innocent creature who had been brutally offended by Mr. Mokena.

It made my stomach happily churn every time I thought of Leon calling Julie the ever so blatant B-word. How I wished the words had spat from my mouth. They would've felt beautiful to the tongue. I smiled, just hoping they would make Julie weep bitterly. Then I thought how cruel that would be...I decided I didn't care.

After Julie had been so cruel to me, I decided I didn't care about a lot of things. I decided not to care whether I made it to the prom committee. I decided not to care about the Popular table. I without a doubt decided not to care about Bastion Welles. The whole disaster had been in an effort to break me from his clutches. If I were to return to Bastion's dwelling, what would Julie do next? So it was decided...I would never go anywhere with Bastion again. I would never go back to his house. I would never speak to him at school. I would finish the skit at the end of the week...and I would be done with him, for good.

So, it must be pretty apparent, that the thoughts going through my head when he approached my desk in the back of English were pretty certain. Do not speak at all cost!

"May we talk, Miss Mary?" he murmured, as he planted himself atop the table next to mine, crossing his legs.

I had to shake my head and return to my drawings. It was either that or Julie. I shuddered at the thought.

"Miss Mary?" he repeated, leaning closer to my figure. He smelt wonderful. Almost like a peachy, lemon-wait...I didn't care about his fragrance. I couldn't speak!

"Look...I understand you might be confused on why...I just left you at the coffee shop."

I stared at my rusty desk, fiddling with my pen. I had been so engrossed with the wicked witch of the west that I had completely forgotten about his abrupt departure from the restaurant. I sighed, recalling how it had consumed me for so many hours that it hurt to think of it anymore. Such a sudden exit had to mean he couldn't stand me.

And yet, here he was, sitting cross-legged on a desk, seemingly enthralled by my silence.

"If you haven't come to determine," he muttered, "I am quite queer."

My eyes widened with disbelief as I gazed up into his beautiful face. He couldn't be serious! My mouth parted, my heart jumping off a skyscraper, falling fast. He observed with confusion before he gasped suddenly.

"Oh...no! Not that kind of queer!" he declared loudly, "No...not at all. I mean...I'm quite remarkable...and not in the boastful approach. In the...creepy, strange, almost want to call the police on you approach."

My heart had somehow saved itself and was now safely on the ground. And thought I told myself not to, I smiled. I almost giggled. He had the effect on me; making even my strongest defenses melt into a weak, meaningless puddle. And I as I turned to completely face him, all thoughts of Julie and her actions disappeared.

"I'm sorry," he stated clearly, "That was inconsiderate of me. I should have...said I needed to be alone or at least make a stupid excuse that you would hopefully buy into."

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