7. Catching up

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Arthurs note: I'm sorry for leaving you all off on a cliffhanger and a huge one at that! I will let you to it in one second! I just wanted to make sure you all watch out. The POV will change to Leon. It's hard to miss. Just look out for it. A lot of people will get a POV in this story. I'm pretty excited about that. One more thing. This story is going to get really dark. In my last story, I didn't warn you all and it caught a lot of people off guard. I just wanted to say it right now so that no one is surprised. Anywho, please enjoy this chapter!

When I finally found Bastion—when I did—I determined that our re-encounter would be this grand, beautiful arrangement. I would be in a wonderfully perfect dress with perfect hair and perfect skin. He would be wearing one of his signature Bastion 'looks' that consisted of a tie, a jacket, white sneakers, and designer jeans. He would have that great smile plastered on his face. A small tear would be running down my face as I'd say "I've finally found you! My dearest!" We would slowly come towards one another in a delightful flower field. I would crash into his arms and he would hold me close. He would cry a little and I would cry a lot. We wouldn't regret the past, talk about the present, or worry about the future. We would be together. That would simply be enough.

Well...I guess things weren't going as planned.

"Get the hell off me!" the guy ordered, pushing me away from his chest.

I stumbled, trying to stand up right. It was quite a shock to be shoved away so abruptly...

I quickly looked up into his face. Although I had been hesitant to look before, now I couldn't resist.

It was Bastion.

It had been so long...

His hair was red now...a deep red. His pupils were green. He was dressed in all black—black wool jacket, black undershirt, black skinny jeans, black shoes, and black eyeliner. He was taller but skinner. He was...different.

But he was Bastion.

It was so hard not to stare. A year apart and I still felt connected to him. How had I lasted so long without him? Now that he was here, I couldn't bear being alone. I just wanted to grab him and hug him forever. Ugh...what a cliché. A thought provoking and emotional drained statement should be running through my head right now. I should be thinking about how much I have waited for this moment. My mind should be mulling over all the nights I cried. I should be worried—no, terrified for the cruelties he has had to endure during my absence. I should be wondering why he is here. I should hate myself...for not finding him before.

But no...I couldn't focus on any of these things. Not even for a minute. All I could think of was ramming my head into his chest and staying in his embrace for eternity.

"Are you deaf?" he asked out of nowhere.

I woke up. "No...no, I'm not...deaf."

He raised his right eyebrow, shifting his stance. He was so much taller. He might even be taller than Leon. I wished I had been there...to see him grow.

"Who are you?" he harshly inquired.

...Why did he keep saying that? I had waited so long for this moment. I anticipated this very instance for so long. With each day, I hoped and I prayed I would see him again. And when I did see him I would smile, knowing at last that everything would be okay. And yet, as I stared into his emerald eyes, I found the magnificent and heart wrenching moment shatter right before my very eyes. The broken glass was piercing through my skin, delving farther and farther.

"It's me..." I said, my voice quivering. I looked up to him but he wouldn't look at me. He just kept glancing down the road.

"It's Mary."

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