6. Closer To The Truth

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I woke up feeling sick to my stomach.

I felt like 'that time of the month' but it wasn't. I checked to make sure. It wasn't.

I sighed, lugging my body to my dresser. Underneath my keepsake box and between the boarding in the drawer was the note. I would never lose it. It was the only thing I had left of him. With the butterfly living his last days, the note was my only reminder that Bastion actually existed. Sometimes...I can't even feel him. It was as if he was a ghost...a dream. He wasn't even here.

"It's not true..." I murmured, pulling off my pajamas and getting dressed.

It couldn't be true. For, I had seen him yesterday at Melody's party. I was certain of it. He looked older and colder. But it was Bastion. I had tried so many times to convince myself that I had seen him. So many times I had hallucinated and deluded myself into thinking he was back. And it was never true. But not this time. No...it was him.

I was certain. I was certain.

"Mom," I called, walking down the stairs, "I'm going to Harry's house to hang with the group. I'll be back later."


I rolled my eyes, "Yes mom?"

"Nothing..." she called from her office, "Just um...bring home some...milk."

Whenever I conversed with my mother while she was typing a report, it was like I was talking to a wall. She would say 'um' and 'ugh' until I finally gave up on the discussion.

And now I had to get milk.

"I am leeeeeaving!" I sang.

No one replied.

Sighing, I exited my warm, connected, and affectionate living environment.

Harry's house was not too far from my home, so I decided to walk.

I had remembered Leon's vague invitation to this gathering a few days ago. I smiled, recalling our lunch dilemma. He had said there would be a surprise at Harry's house the day after the party.

It could be good. But Loran would probably be there and tick me off. All she had to do was smile and I was instantly put off. It's just the air she gives off. It suffocates me...literally! I just can't handle it.

But I was going anyway. Leon had gone through the trouble to invite me. I at least had to show up.

Before I could even think about what the surprise might be, I arrived at Harry's abode.

The whole group was on his lawn.

I couldn't locate Loran.

Lord, please let this be true!

"Marrrry," Harry cooed, running over to me.

I smiled as he gripped my hand, pulling me into his arms. Although sometimes I couldn't stand him, it was impossible to hate Harry. He was kind of like an annoying little brother. One second you wanted to kill him and the next give him a hot fudge sundae.

"I didn't get to dance with you yesterday, beautiful," Harry murmured as we made our way to the group.

I shrugged, grinning up at him. "I have two left feet."

"Well...I've got two right ones. We would have made a perfect match."

I giggled to myself, Harry hugging me close as we meshed in with the other four.

It was definitely four. Loran wasn't here. THANK GOD!

"Hey Mary!" Melody said, hoisted up on Ryan's back. She was wearing a beautiful, pink sundress. It was a rather hot April day. This was Phoenix.

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