11. The Quarrel Of Lovers

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Authors note: Oh by the way, the tense switches from present to past in this chapter. It's not too hard to miss. Right after the opening of this chapter, it switches tenses. So just watch out for that.

I was trying to a write an article for the school newspaper. I really was.

I was trying to focus on why dolphins are being attacked by hunters and why spaghetti looks like worms to children and why the sky looks red to some people.

But I couldn't.


Well, it's simply this.

I'm boy crazy.

That's it. Really. I am freakin boy crazy.

They are my everything right now. No, not my family, not my homework, and definitely not the school paper. No, none of it seems to matter right now.

I only care about boys.

Well...maybe it's not that I only care about boys. It's just that I can't get them off my mind. They consume me. They fully absorb me! I'm like a sponge towards them.

Wait, that sounds horrible. Scratch that. I'm a magnet.

...Oh dear, that's even worse.

Well WHATEVER it is, I'm thinking about them all the time. And to be honest, it's not completely my fault. The boys are the culprits. They provoke me into thinking about them. They make me delve farther into situations then I should. What might seem like a simple gesture to anyone else seems like the end of the world to me. I don't know if I'm losing my mind or just being a teenager.

I mean...I don't even know what to make of my past few visits with Bastion.

He's completely...freaky. In the...most wonderful way possible.

Ugh! I need to be writing about dolphins!

But...what about yesterday? Had our encounter meant anything? Why was I still thinking about it? Was he?

Goodness...if only he hadn't called me sexy.

"What's your favorite ice-cream flavor?"

"Vanilla bean...you, ugly girl?"

I smiled, "Chocolate-chip cookie dough."

He sighed. "How utterly predictable. I mean-oh Mary, what are you doing? You're going to get a splinter."

I looked down at my bare feet as I continued to walk on the pew. I grinned up at Bastion. He was walking in front of me. It had become a game of ours. We would skip and race on the pews as fast as we could and the one to stay on the longest won. Moving faster garnered more points.

It was a rather childish game but we didn't mind.

Somehow...just being with Bastion again made me feel alright.

He didn't yell at me as much these days. Of course he was still harsh and sarcastic, as evidence from my new nickname "Ugly Girl", but he was no longer truly hurtful. He just teased me. And I enjoyed it.

"I don't mind splinters," I said, jumping over from one pew to the next, "In fact, I rather like getting scratched up."

Bastion didn't reply. He just skipped to the next pew also.

"Where do you live?" I asked out of nowhere.

Bastion didn't respond again. I looked up now, feeling quite lonely.

"Bastion?" I said, as he began to move quickly over to several other pews.

"Yes?" he said in a low voice.

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