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IT'S RAINING OUT. Which isn't that surprising in Kingston Upon Thames, London. Fourteen year old Peter Reynolds sits on the brown, leather sofa waiting for his twelve year old little brother, Wade, and his mother, Tom Holland, to come downstairs. His father, Ryan Reynolds, already left. He leaves for work around 3:45. Four hours before Peter and Wade have to get to school.
Young Peter sits on the couch scrolling through his social media. He smiled to himself when he sees a picture of his crush, Matt Murdock. The popular kid at Kingston Upon Thames Middle School. Peter looks up when he sees his mother's foot climbing down the stairs. Peter shuts his phone off and tucks it back into his back pocket of his blue, denim jeans.
He smiled when he sees his mother. To him, he thought his mother was beautiful. With curly, combed hair swept to the side, a face that looks like his mother has just ate a frog, a thick British accent, and chocolate brown eyes that sparkle in the moonlight. Peter could see why his father loved his mother very much. Tom is beautiful, kind, protective, took things seriously, brave. Tom maybe feminine but he is truly a male. He's not trans, according to Peter's father, he's just special.
Peter stands up immediately when he sees his mother walking down the stairs. Peter stands by the end of the stairs and held his hand out for his mother. Tom smiled at his son and took his hand. Peter, being a gentleman and taking after his father, gently grabs Tom's hand and kissed his knuckles.
"Morning, mother," Peter greeted.
Tom smiles softly at his son and nods. "Morning, Peter. Sleep alright?"
Peter nods. "Yes, Mom. I did. You?"
"I slept perfectly fine," Tom replies.
Peter guides Tom over to the kitchen table and pulls out a chair for Tom. Tom smiles again at Peter and Tom sits himself down in the chair.
"What's gotten you in the mood to act like a prince, Peter?" Tom asked his son as Peter strode over to the kitchen to start making his mother some eggs.
"I'm not acting like a prince, Mom. It's do most of the work around the house, so I figured I'd help you out a bit," Peter explains.
Tom chuckles and shakes his head side to side, smiling. "You are just like your father aren't you?"
"I guess you can say that Mom. Is Wade up?" Peter asks.
Tom's smile fades and shook his head "no."
"No, he isn't," says Tom. "I tried waking him up but he just whines."
Peter sighs heavily as he poured his eggs into the pan.
"Well, that's Wade for ya," says Peter. "I'll go wake him up in a few minutes."
"Thank you, sweetheart."
Peter nods and continues making his mother's breakfast. After Peter finishes making Tom's breakfeast, Tom thanked his eldest son and Peter nods. He kisses his mother on the cheek and run up the carpeted steps to his little brother's room.
Wade is a huge Marvel fan. He has posters from every single Marvel movie that has come to theaters and action figures all over shelves and the original comic books taped on walls and protected with a sheet protecter. Peter reaches his brother's door which has a picture of his mother in a white dress and a veil and his father in a tux, both smiling. Peter smiles softly. It was his mother and father on their wedding day. Underneath, was a poster of his mother's new Avengers movie: Infinity War.
Peter turns the brass door knob to the left and the door creaked open. Inside, he sees Wade fast asleep underneath his Avengers blankets. Peter walks in, closing the door behind him, and walks over to Wade.
"Wade, it's time to get up," Peter informs, "Mom said."
Wade groans and reluctantly sits up.
"Come on, lil' bro," Peter says. "Breakfast is on the table. Plus, Mom feels alone sitting there by himself."
Wade rolles his eyes and reluctantly gets up and dressed. Peter smiles to himself. He always know what to do for his Mom. He always knows how to wake his baby brother up.
Wade comes out of the bathroom but freezes in his tracks when he hears their mother scream. Peter and Wade look at each other with wide, scared eyes and ran down stairs into the kitchen.
Wade grabs his pocket knife that Ryan gave him when he was ten and flips it open to the sharp, pointing blade. Wade aims at the kitchen and starts screaming his head off, waving the blade in the air and charges to the kitchen.
"LET GO OF MY MOTHER, YOU MOSTER!" Wade screams, running to the to the kitchen.
But Peter didn't see anyone there attacking Tom. Before Wade could get in front of Tom to kill the person, Peter grabs his little brother's elbows and yanks him backwards, causing Wade to yelp in surprise.
"Wade! Stop!" Peter cries.
"But Peter! Someone could be hurting Mom!" Wade says.
"No one's hurting him! Listen!"
Silence fell between the two boys. But in between the silence, were sobs. Their mother was crying.
Peter and Wade exchange sad glances at each other and Peter slowly walked forward to the kitchen. He frowns when he sees Tom hunched over the counter, elbows on the counter, a hand up to Tom's mouth and his eyes squeezed tight as tears spilled out of his closed eyes and down his cheeks.
Peter slowly walked into the kitchen, Wade closed his pocket knife, tucks it back into his back pocket and follows Peter into the kitchen.
"Mom...?" Peter says slowly as the two boys approached their crying mother. "Mom? What's wrong...?"
"Your..." Tom chockes on a sob before continuing. "Your father boys...he..." Tom broke down crying again.
"Dad?" asks Wade as he stood on the other side of his mother. "What happened to Dad, Mom?"
Tom gulps, sucking in a huge breath of air and wiping his eyes, which are red and puffy. Peter nods in encouragement and rubs Tom's back soothingly in circles.
"Your into a car accident with a drunk driver on his way to the store..."
It's silent. Peter stops rubbing Tom's back and Wade stares at Tom in shock. But Tom continues.
"And...when the officers and paramedics arrived at the scene...they pulled his body out from underneath the reckage...and..." Tom covers his mouth with his hand again as he cries.
"Shhh, it's okay, Mama, we're right here," Wade soothes.
Tom sniffles and wipes his eyes once more.
"And his face...God his's just ripped off. Like's horrible..."
Peter frowns as he looks down.
"What are you trying say, Mom?" Peter asks.
Tom gulps again and breathes out heavily.
"What I'm trying to say is...your father...boys..." Tom wraps his arms around the boy's shoulder and rubs them in comfort. "Your father is dead..."

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