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WHAT A DAY. I collapse on my bed with a huge yawn. We tried searching my mother. No luck. We tried searching for him nonstop. Ever since I woke up from my nightmare and until dark. God, it was such a long day.
I close my eyes. Afraid that I'll have another nightmare, I quickly open my eyes back open and just stared at the ceiling. Nothing is currently on my mind right now. Except for the fact that my Mom is kidnapped and being tortured. I wonder if Uncle Harrison knows. Probably not.
"Peter?" I hear a small voice say. It's Wade.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"What if we don't save Mom? What if he's dead before we even get there?" Wade whispers. His voice is cracking like he's about to cry and it just breaks my heart.
"Oh, Wade," I say, "don't think like that! We will find Mom! We will save him!"
"But what if we don't?! The man who took me and made me Deadpool...took my mother. He's torturing my mother. And he's doing that because of you. Not me. You, Peter. And only you. You're special."
Wade looks away from me. I suddenly feel guilty. It is kind of my fault. But it's also kind of Wade's fault too. He left Mom, who was already miserable and suffering with the loss of my father. I left him in order to search for my little brother. You see what I mean here?
I place a hand on Wade's shoulder and grip it tight. Wade flinches at my touch.
"I'm sorry, Wade. I'm sorry I caused all of this. But we both screwed up. Big time. You're my little brother...I...I just want to protect you. I just want to protect Mom. And I can't do that without your help," I say, my voice serious and a dangerous whisper.
It's silent. My lips pursed into a thin line and I sigh when he doesn't respond or look back at me. I don't know how many times I've said this, but I can't blame Wade for what he's feeling. I'm feeling it too. Deep down in my heart. It's called guilt. And fault. We couldn't protect our mother from being kidnapped by that man. We couldn't protect him in general. I don't know if Uncle Harrison was there back home when it happend.
Because of me, Mom's life is at stake. Wade's right. He can't be the one who has to save him. I do. I have to save Mom. But what if the man forces me to kill my mother like I did in my dream? What if he doesn't and let's Mom go? The second choice is what I'm hoping for.
"Do not worry about your brother, young Peter," Adikius says, making me jump slightly and breaking the awkward silence.
I turn to look at him and then back at Wade who's staring out the window then back at Adikius.
"Do you know where he is?" I ask Adikius.
Adikius sighs and places a hand on my shoulder. He smiles softly and says, "Your mother, Peter, is the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. I don't know how many times I've said, or you've said it, or anyone else who has said it. But I do believe we can save your mother within the next forty-eight hours. You have to have faith and hope and you have to believe, Peter."
I gulp and look down. I don't want to think it. I don't want to say it. But I do anyways.
"Mom has two days to live..." I whisper, tears swelling up in my eyes, making my vision blurry. "He has two days to live. It's all my fault. All of it."
Adikius cups my chin and lifts it up to meet my eyes.
"To be honest, it is. But Peter, you have a power. You're a superhero Peter. So be it. Be Spider-Man and save your mother."
I look back at my bag, which has my Spider-Man suit that I made. Wade's looking at us now. I look at him and he grins, nodding. I grin back and reach into my bag. I pull out the suit and look back at the two.
"Alright," I huff. "Let's go save Mom."

+ + +

We make a sharp left and into an alleyway. It's dark out now. Like it's close to midnight now. Mom almost has one day left to life. Adikius says he knows where Mom is. That would've been useful earlier.
Adikius sits in the driver's seat and I sit in the passenger seat in my Spider-Man suit and mask on. Wade sits in the back with his Deadpool costume on.
"You sure this is the right place?" I ask Adikus hesitantly.
"Peter, trust me. I know the man who took your mother. His name Advent. He hates your father, Ryan. He and your father were archenemies back in the day. Advent had a crush on your mother but so did Harrison. The two often fought over your mother. Harrison and Advent. Sometimes Advent would counter your father and fight for your mother too. It's difficult to explain but you get the point. So once Advent learned that your father died, and that Wade ran away and was near him, Advent took your brother. He made him a killer. He made Wade Deadpool. A mercenary. Then when he learned you left in order to search for your brother, and that your mother is all alone, he took the opportunity to take him."
"But what does Advent want from me?" I ask Adikius.
"He wants to see your true power, Peter. And to do that, he took the one thing you love most-"
"Mom..." I say, my voice low and taking all this information in.
Adikius nods sadly.
"I'm sorry all of this happened to you," Adikius apologizes. "I tried to protect you, your brother, and your mother. Trust me, Peter."
I look back up at Adikius. His eyes were serious and apologetic. He means it. He loves us. We're like family to him. I nod.
"I do," I say. "I do trust you, Adikius."
We drive a little more, listening to my Dad's Queen station. The thought of not being able to save my Mom is just...God I don't want to think it. I don't want to have that burden like Peter Parker did when he lost Gwen. I don't want any of it.
I scream at Adikius to storm and he slams the breaks, causing all three of us to lerch forward. I see a figure in the shadows in the back of the alleyway. It's moving back and forth like it's guarding something. I open the door and slowly walk to the figure.
The headlights are on. Before I close the passenger door, Wade says, "Peter...?"
I close the door and slowly walk forward. It's a person. But I can't make out if it's male of female. I gulp. My hands trembling.
"H-Hello...?" I stutter with fear. "You okay? Are you lost...?"
The person looks at me sharply with wide scared eyes. I gasp. It's a he. He had brown chocolate eyes, that are sparkling in the headlight's light. Wavy brown bangs swept to the side under the hood. I see bottom of a dress hitting the concert floor under the jacket. It's red. Just like in my dream.
He looks a lot like my mother.
That's because...
He is.
My eyes widen.
I can't believe it. I can't! No...he's alive.
It's my mother.

MY LITTLE BROTHER IS DEADPOOLWhere stories live. Discover now