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"WHAT ARE YOU doing here, Matt?!" I exclaim.
Matt grins. "I came looking for you. What does it look like?"
"How'd you know I was here?" I ask.
"Well. Your father...your dead father...put a tracker on your phone so he knew where you were."
Oh yeah. I forgot about that. When I was little, say around 13 years old, when I had my first phone, my father put a tracker device in it. That way, when I'm lost, he knew where I was and can pick me up where ever I was. Smart huh?
Matt smirked and takes my hand in his. I blush deeply and I felt a spark. He kissed the back of my knuckles again, smiling as he does so.
"Can you dance?" Matt says.
I arch an eyebrow. "W-What? What do you mean can I dance?! Why are we dancing?!"
Matt laughs. "Haha. I just wanted to see how well you move. Come on. Hit it, baby!"
Matt claps his hands together and grabs mine. He twirls me around and I gasp in surprise. Matt, smiling, pulls me in close to him, a hand on my waist, and we begin doing the salsa.
The Salsa? How can I even do the freaking Salsa?! Mom never taught me this! I think.
We move forwards and backwards. He twirls me again and puts me in front of him. Matt wraps his arms around my stomach and we began to sway side to side. I gulp. Where was this leading too? I feel his breath on my neck and I gasp. He grins as he kisses my neck. He spins me around, still grinning, and I smile a bit. He pulls me closer to him, hand on my waist, and dips me.
How romantic is this?! I'm dancing with my crush under the moonlight! We stare at each other for a moment. I smile. I'm actually smiling. And he's smiling too.
And then...
We kiss.
We kiss!
I, Peter Reynolds, kissed Matt Murdock. I kissed him. My eyes widen in surprise and I slowly close them, melting into the kiss. I wrap my arms around Matt's neck as he continues kissing me.
He stands up, we're still kissing, and he pushes me against the brick wall and slowly took off my jacket. I slowly took off his. My breath hitch as Matt kisses my neck then my lips.
"You alright," Matt pants.
I smile. "Yeah...I'm fine..."
Matt continues kissing me. I continue kissing back.
"You're beautiful, Peter," Matt says, kissing my lips.
I laugh and kiss him again. He kisses me back.
"So...I'm assuming you'd like to be my boyfriend, Peter?" Matt asks.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I say, kissing him again.
We continue to make out. A few hours have passed and I hear a male say, "PETER!"
I gulp and quickly push Matt off of me. It's my mother. How'd he get here? Oh right...the tracker...
Matt hands me my jacket and I put it back on and Matt puts his on quickly. We exchange panicked glances. He kissed me one last time before confronting Mom.
"Uh...hey...Mom...?" I say.
Mom had fire in his eyes, his anger rising. He has his phone in his hand and his left eye twitches.
"Um...hi, Mrs. Reynolds...?" Matt says, nervously.
"Get. Away. From. My. Son," Mom growls.
Matt nods and turns to me. I grip his hand and he kisses me one last time. He smirks at me and says, "I love you. You know that right?"
I nod, smiling. "Yeah..."
"Remember that. If we have to be separate, remember that I love you, Peter Robert Reynolds. Remember that."
I smile. "I love you, too."
Matt and I turn to face Mom, hand in hand. I gulp.
"Mom?" I say. "This is Matt Murdock. He's...he's my boyfriend. And I love him. More than anything. Since middle school."
Mom smiles softly and runs up to me. He hugs me tightly and pecks my temple.
"I'm so proud of you, Peter," Mom says. "So so proud of you."
I smile, closing my eyes, and hugging him back tightly. "Thank you, Mama. I love you."
"I love you, too, Peter."
Mom and I break apart and turns to Matt, smiling. Matt grabs Mom's hand and kisses the back of it like he did to me.
"Mrs. Reynolds," Matt says, kissing Mom's knuckles.
"Matt," Mom says.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Matt says, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer to him.
"Same goes to you!" Mom says.
"So...can I, Mom?" I ask.
"Can you what?" Mom says, raising an eyebrow.
"Can Matt and I date?!" I say, hope in my voice.
Mom chuckles and says, "Of course, Peter."
I smile, thanked him, and hug Matt. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I smile down at him and kiss him.
"I love you," I say to Matt.
Matt smiles and turns to Mom.
"I promise, Mrs. Reynolds-"
"Please, call me Tom," Mom says.
"I promise, Tom, I'll protect your son no matter what. He's beautiful just like you. I'll take care of him. I promise," Matt vowes.
Mom nods and says, "Good. You better. Let's go home."
With that, I hop down from Matt's arms and loop my arms through his. I lean my head on his shoulder. Matt smiles and wraps his arm around me and his other arm around Mom's shoulder. Matt kisses my lips and we walk our way towards the hotel.
Towards to where our future leads us.

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