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"HE ASKED YOU out?!" Uncle Harrison shouts, eyes the size of golf balls.
I nod.
"Oh, sweet Lord," breathes Uncle Harrison.
He leans against the wall, one hand placed on the wall and the other on his forehead.
"Harrison...? You okay...?" Mom asks, worriedly.
Uncle Harrison shakes his head "no". He looks at Mom wide eyed, mouth gaping open slightly.
"You're letting your son date!" Uncle Harrison shouts, still in shock.
"He's not a monster! He's sweet! Kind! Caring! He treats me like a princess!" I say, and I look off into empty space with a dreamy look. "Boy, those abs!"
Uncle Harrison looks at Mom to see if I'm joking. But Mom crosses his arms and looks down, biting his lip. It's right then did I realize that Wade wasn't here.
"Uh...mother?" I ask.
Mom looks up and quirks an eyebrow. "Yes, sweetheart?"
"Where's Wade?"
It's silent. And both Mom and Uncle Harrison looks down at their feet.
"Uhm...about that Peter..." Uncle Harrison starts.
I get even more suspicious. "What...? Where's my little brother?!"
"He's out," Mom blurts out.
I tilt my head and quirk my eyebrow. "Out where...?"
Mom bites his lip but finally shrugs. He doesn't know. He doesn't bloody know where the heck my little brother is. I start to get paranoid. What if he got kidnapped and held hostage?! What if someone hit him and died just like Dad did! I look at Mom shocked because usually he knows where Wade and I are.
"You don't know?" I say, but it wasn't remotely a question. It is a statement.
Mom nods slowly, still looking at the floor and biting his lip. He nods.
I clench my fists and give him a look as if he's crazy. Which, he is. My mother, my beautiful mother, who is actor Tom Holland and the new Spider-Man, lost his own son. A son who is named after my father's role, Deadpool. My mother doesn't even know where his son is. Great. Now I have to worry and panic all day.
I sigh heavily and pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration.
"How," I say, "how could you not know where he is?!"
"He just left! That's it! That's all he did after he screamed at me of how a horrible mother and wife I am!" Mom explaines. Right then do I realize that he's crying.
My glare falters and I stop clenching my fists and I frown.
"Mom..." I say, mouth hanging open slightly. "Mom...don't cry...!"
Mom groans and rubs his hands down his face. He goes to the kitchen and opens the fridge which has the dozen beers he bought at the store. Before Mom could grab one, Uncle Harrison runs to the rescue and steps in front of him.
"Ah, ah. No beer," Uncle Harrison orders, arms crossed over his chest.
Mom pouts and whines like a two year old. "Awww! But Harrison! I-"
"No. No beer, Tom. Not in front of your child. Ryan wouldn't want you to do it," Uncle Harrison says.
Mom winces when Uncle Harrison mentions my father's name. He looks down. I can tell Mom is forming a plan to try to get his beer.
"Mom," I say, waking up to them. "Mom, Uncle Harrison's right. Dad wouldn't want you to do it. Wade wouldn't want you too. Yeah, Dad's dead. So what? What difference does it make? Everyone dies Mom. Even me. I will die one day. Wade will die one day. You will die one day. Uncle Harrison will die one day. Uncle Harry, Uncle Sam, and Uncle Paddy will die one day. Even grandma and grandpa will die one day too. But it will get better, Mama," I tell him. I put a hand on his shoulder. "It'll just take time!"
"I need a beer! I need it now!" Mom demands, stomping his foot on the ground like a three year old would when he/she is having a temper tantrum. "I need it please!"
I exchange a worry glance with Uncle Harrison. Uncle Harrison replies with the same glance as I gave him and nods.
I mouth to Uncle Harrison, "Just get Mom one! He won't stop acting like a three year old if he doesn't get his beer!"
Uncle Harrison shakes his head "no" and mouths back, "I can't! This isn't healthy for your mother Peter and you know it! I want Tom to be happy again!"
I mouth back, "Then give him one! It'll make Mom happy again!"
Uncle Harrison bites his lip and shifts his glance over at Mom. Mom's gone. Uncle Harrison's eyes widen and so do mine. How did he vanish like that?! I swear, he was right in front of us throwing a temper tantrum!
"MOM?!" I call, eyes wide.
I run upstairs and barge into Mom and what used to be Dad's room. I sigh in relief when I see him. Mom is laying flat on his stomach, arms over his head, and crying into the pillow. He's mumbling: Ryan, my dear husband, please! Come back! Please! I need you! Peter needs you! Wade...he needs you! Wade's missing and I don't know where he is! Please! Please protect him and keep him safe! I'm scared! I need you, Ryan Reynolds. My husband. Please come back to me! I love you! over and over again into his pillow.
Mom's not mumbling. He's praying! Praying! I realize that this is the first time I've ever seen or heard my mother pray. I slowly walk over to Mom's bed and plop myself onto the edge. Mom continues to pray and cry. I rest a hand on his shoulder.
"Mama...?" I say.
No answer. Just tears.
"Mom...? You okay...?"
Mom sits up and wipes his eyes with the back of his sleeve and sniffles. He shakes his head, pulled his knees up to his chest, and rests his chin on top of his knees. I look at him with worry. I've never heard my Mom pray before. Never. We're not Christians but still.
Mom stares at the wall behind my shoulder. His jaw tightens and more tears slip down his cheeks. I wrap my arms around him and pull him in. He leans his head on my shoulder and just broke down crying. Again.
I rub his shoulders in comfort, saying "It's alright" and "you're okay, Mom," over and over again. I hate seeing my mother like this. It breaks my heart.
After a while of crying, Mom fell asleep on my shoulder. I look down and smile at him. I gently push him down on the bed and cover him up. He snores softly and I smile. Mom's beautiful. Really, really, beautiful. Now that I have a good glance at him, I can finally see how beautiful he is. I can now see why Dad loved Mom.
I walk out of the room, closing the door gently behind me. I jog downstairs to find Uncle Harrison sitting on the couch, holding his phone in his hand. I can tell he was trying to call my brother.
"Did you find him?" I ask, jumping off the last step and walking toward him.
Uncle Harrison shakes his head sadly. His brows were narrowed with confusion and he looks kinda panicked almost.
"No answer," Uncle Harrison says. "I tried to call him twice...and answer..."
My eyes widen. No. No. Please. Oh please don't let him be...
"Is he...kidnapped...?" I whisper, not wanting to believe it.
Uncle Harrison looks up at me and shrugs. I panic. I run my hands through my hair and pace back and forth, chewing on my nails.
"I need to find him," I say, grabbing my bag and coat and opening the front door.
"No Peter. You need to rest. You have a field trip tomorrow."
"But what about Wade?!"
"He'll be fine. He's fifteen. He can protect himself. Please. Just go to bed. We'll look for him when you come home tomorrow," Uncle Harrison says.
I groan, throw my bag and coat on the couch and head on upstairs. Tessa's still curled up on my bed and I lay next to her. She snores softly as I slowly fall into a deep sleep.

MY LITTLE BROTHER IS DEADPOOLWhere stories live. Discover now