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I DON'T KNOW how much time has passed. I tap my fingers on the steering wheel as "Radio Ga Ga" plays on the radio. After the song, do I realize how much time has passed. How much time I've spent on the road, searching for my brother.
It's way past dinner. It's nearly 11 now. I pull up to the gas station on the right just off the exit. I check my phone, bracing myself for the messages my mother or Uncle Harrison sent me.
I laugh a bit and answer Mom.
I text back: Mom, chill. I'm fine. I'm looking for Wade. Don't worry, I have pepper spray, a gun, and a phone. Don't worry, I'll be back Mom. I don't know when. I won't rest until I find him Mama. I promise you, Mama. I will find Wade. No matter how long it takes. If Matt Murdock calls and I'm not there on Friday, answer it and tell him I'm look for Wade. I love you Mom. I'll be home as soon as I can. Love you!
I sent the text. Then I read the next one. The next one is from Uncle Harrison.
His messages reads: Peter Robert Reynolds. Why aren't you answering me?! Your mother is freaking out right now and it's driving me insane! I swear, if you're missing too, I'm calling the police. And if you break my car, you're paying for it!
I chuckle and shake my head. I type back: Dad. Relax. I'm fine. I dozed off I guess while listening to your Queen station. I wasn't paying attention to my phone. I was paying attention driving so I wouldn't break your car. I don't know what city I'm in. But I do know, that I'm parked at a gas station off of exit 297 A texting you right now. I'll be home soon. Till then, you'll just have to deal with Mom's paranoia. I know it's annoying. But don't tell him I said that! Love you.
I sent that one to him. After, I clicked off my phone and decided to fill up the gas tank.
I hum a song my mother used to sing to me when I was a baby as I fill up the tank. I guess it would've been a good idea to put on my coat. It's freezing! At the corner of my eye, I see a man hunched over by a trash can, hugging himself. He looks like my father but seems homeless.
The tank is filled and I grab my pistol out of my bag. I tuck it in my back pocket. Just in case the man tried to kill me.
As I get closer, the man keeps on muttering somethings to himself. He shakes and his eyes are closed. His hands are clasped together as if he's praying.
"You must be Peter Reynolds," The man says suddenly, making me stop.
"Mmm, yes, indeed you are. The boy who's Spider-Man. The oldest son of the actors Tom Holland and Ryan Reynolds. A beautiful son that is. A brave one. A special one."
The man slowly stands up, hood covering his face, and slowly walking toward me. Scared, I back away. My hand fly to my pistol that's in my back pocket. It hovers over it.
"It's true. You do look like you're mother," the man says. "But you have your father's eyes."
I back up some more.
"Who are you?!" I demand. "How do you know my mother and father?! How do you know my name?!"
"You're out here looking for your little brother?" the man says, his voice deep and his icy cold fingers on my cheek.
I wince at the touch and my breath hitches a little.
"You feel fear," the man says. "There's no need to, young Peter. But you should know, that there are people coming after you. There are people coming after your mother. And they want to kill him. They want to kill your mother."
My eyes widen and I stare at the man. How does he know all this, I think.
"Everyone knows about you, young Peter. Everyone. Including the President," the man says.
I gulp and ask the man the question I've been asking my mother and father every now and then. Although, I wouldn't expect him to know. I don't know think he knows Wade as much as he knows me.
"Um...sir?" I say, my voice slightly quavering (shut up).
The man stands up and grins, an eyebrow quirking. I still can't tell what he looks like because of the hood that's covering his face.
"Yes, my dear boy?" the man asks me.
"Do you know a fifteen year old boy named...Wade? He's my brother and I'm uh...looking for him. He's been missing for nearly a week now..." I look down.
God this is stupid! I think. Of course he doesn't know him, Peter! What are you thinking?!
"Wade...hmm...that name sounds familiar..." the man says, rubbing his chin.
"I'm not talking about the comic book hero Deadpool," I clarify. "My little brother was named after him. He was named Wade, after my father's role."
"Ah, yes. Wade Reynolds. Yes I do know him Peter," the man informs.
My chest rises and my eyes fill with hope. I gulp again and relax my hand from my pistol that's still in my back pocket.
"Do you know where he is? Has he been here?! Is he safe?!" I exclaim, my voice also filling with hope.
The man holds up a hand for silence. Surprisingly, I shut up.
"Calm yourself, my boy. He's safe, yes. And yes he has been here. But for a split second to get a Moutain Dew."
I laugh. "That's Wade for you! He loves those Moutian Dews!"
I swear I can see the man smiling through his masked face.
"What's your name?" I ask the man.
The man stares back at me through his beady, black eyes. He tenses a bit, like it hurts to say it.
"My name..." he begins. "My name is..."
My eyes widen and I tilt my head curious.
"My Adikius. I am a very powerful man. And the people who are looking for your mother, are evil. And they will kill him without mercy. I met your mother after you were born. I don't know if he's ever told you about me-"
"He hasn't!" I say, cutting him off.
"Well. I've been watching you ever since you came out of the womb and into the world. I've been protecting you and your brother. I made a promise to your mother that I would. So I did." Adikius explains.
"Can you help me find Wade?" I ask, hopefully. "I need to find him and I need to find him before Friday!"
Adikius smiles warily. "You have a date don't you? With Matt Murdock?"
"How do you know?" I ask.
"I can read you, Peter. But be warned, that Matt isn't the guy you seemed to love."
I look at him confused. Adikius laughs and wraps an around me. He pulls me closer as we walk toward Uncle Harrison's car.
"Yes, Peter. I will help you find your brother. You can't do this alone. It's too dangerous for you to do so alone," Adikius says, hopping into the passager seat.
I smile as I hop into the driver's seat and start the ignition. "Killer Queen" comes on and I start to sing. Actually sing in front of a person. I wasn't really paying attention to him but at the corner of my eye, he's smirking. He's enjoying me singing.
I put the car in reverse.
"It was a pleasure meeting you, Adikius. But now let's go find my brother!"

MY LITTLE BROTHER IS DEADPOOLWhere stories live. Discover now