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WE ARRIVE AT a near by hotel. I pull into the parking lot. I look over at Adikius, who's snoring away. Sleep sounds fantastic right now. It's already 1 in the morning.
I wonder why Mom hasn't told me about Adikius. I wonder why am I now just finding out about him. I wonder if he's even human. Maybe it was to protect me and Wade, I don't know. I turn off the car and gently shake Adikius awake on the shoulder.
"Adikius," I say, "we're here."
He wakes up within a second. He hops out of the passenger seat and I do the same but out of the driver's seat. It's still freezing. I unzip my bag and put on my black coat. I grab my bag and hoist it onto my shoulder and shut the door, locking the car.
We enter the hotel, got our rooms (which are on the third floor), and I begin to unpack. At the corner of my eye, I see Adikius watching me from the corner. He's staring. His arms crossed over his chest. I begin to feel uncomfortable so I stop. I stand up straight and turn to him.
I gulp and say, "Who are you really?"
Adikius doesn't respond. Ok...this is starting to become creepy...
"Adikius...?" I say, hesitantly. I slowly approach him.
Nothing. I roll my eyes and sigh heavily. Might as well get used to it. I hear my phone ding, indicating either Mom, Uncle Harrison, or any other family members or friends texted me. Not leaving my eyes from Adikius, I walk back to my bag and check my phone.
It's a message from Mom. What's he doing up? Shouldn't he be asleep? I mean, it's only one in the morning. Mom's usually asleep by this time.
Mom's message reads: Okay, Peter. As long as you're safe and letting me know where you are, I'm okay with that. But next time, tell me. Of course tell your new father as well, but I'm the one who needs to know. Okay? I love you, Peter. Stay safe.
I smile softly at the message. It's hard leaving my poor, miserable mother who's suffering with a loss back at home for me. But he has Uncle Harrison and his brothers. He has Aunt Zendaya and Grandma and Grandpa. He has Aunt Laura. He'll be okay.
He'll be okay.
I reply to the text. I text back: Ok, Mom. I love you too. I'm at a hotel with a man named Adikius. He seems...not human kinda. I mean, right now he's just staring at me. Not blinking. Not moving. Nothing. It's creeping me out Mom. Mom? Do you know? He said he met you at the hospital after I was born... but he knows me. He says he's been watching over me and Wade as we grow up. Mom? What is there that you haven't told me yet...?
Mom doesn't reply. If what Adikius says is true...then maybe Mom's taking a minute to let it sink in. A couple minutes later, Mom texts back.
Mom's message reads: I don't know, Peter. I just felt, as you laid on my chest snoring away while I was resting in the hospital bed after I brought you into the world, I just felt that it was too dangerous to tell you. I feared that something terrible would happen to you. I'm sorry I hadn't told you or your brother about Adikius. I didn't mean to lie to you, but it was for your protection. Have you heard from Wade, yet?
Me: I do. I do understand Mom. It's just...I wish you would've told me earlier. And no. I haven't heard from Wade.
Mom: Alright, sweetheart. I guess I should leave you to rest. I love you, my beautiful baby boy. Be brave, Peter. Show whoever took my son, if he's taken, who you are. Kick their a- if you have too. Stay safe. I love you, Peter.
I chuckle to myself quietly and shake my head. Mom never curses in front of me. Or at least when I was little. He didn't want me to start saying those things when I was little. This is one of the reasons why I love my mother. He knows how to make me laugh and feel happy. I reply instantly.
Me: Ha ha. I will, mother. I love you too. And you cursed, Mom. You never cursed when it's around me or Wade.
Mom: Ha ha. That was to tell you I was serious.
Me: Okay, Mom. Whatever you say. I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you.
Mom: Ok, baby. I love you too.
I click my phone off and put it on the charger to charge while I'm sleeping. I look over at Adikius. He's still staring at me. Not moving. Not blinking. Nothing.
I sigh heavily and crawl into bed. I look over at Adikius again. Still not moving.
"Adikius?" I say. Nothing. "ADIKIUS!"
He snaps out of his daze. Well, what do ya know.
"Huh?! What?!" Adikius says, dumbfounded.
I giggle and roll my eyes. "You've been staring for more than an hour. You okay?"
"Yeah...I'm fine...I just had a vision about your brother."
I sit up immediately, eyes wide.
"Wade?!" I gasp.
"Yes. Him. He's....not the same. We need to find him, Peter. Before they do anything to him," Adikius explains.
I am confused as heck. I narrow my brows. They? Who's they? Is Wade alive? Is he safe? Those two things are all I care about.
"He's alive," Adikius says, as if reading my thoughts.
"Who's they?" I ask, swinging my legs off the bed and sitting on the edge.
"The people who took your brother. They're powerful people. They're trying to make him a killer. But he's resisting. He's been asking about you, Peter. About you and your mother."
I gasp. My eyes are wide. My heart's pounding against my chest. I gulp. Whoever took my brother, is going to be dead.
"We have to save him," I say, standing up.
"Peter, I know you're eager to do so. But it's too dangerous for you-"
"Oh, eff you. I'm seventeen, Adikius. I can protect myself! Heck! I'm Spider-Man!"
"Peter. I know. But you're exhausted. I can tell. Why don't you go ahead and rest and we'll get back on the road tomorrow morning? Yeah?" Adikius says.
I groan and roll my eyes. Groaning, I lay myself down on the bed and cover myself up, my back facing Adikius. I just want to rescue my little brother! How hard is that?!
"I'll come to check on you in the morning," Adikius whispers into my ear. "Until then, sweet dreams Peter."
That was the last thing I remember him saying before I fell into a deep sleep.

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