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THE NEXT DAY, I walk down the halls to my chemistry class. Uncle Harrison was right. I did have a chemistry field trip today. I look down at my feet as I walked. My mind focusing on Wade. Before the bell rings, I decide to call him.
"Wade?" I say into the phone.
No answer. I try again.
"Wade?! Come on, answer me! It's me, Peter! Your big brother!" I say, panic in my voice.
Still nothing. The bell rings. I curse silently to myself and enter the class. I pull out my desk chair and plop myself right into it. I hear a chorus of laughter as Matt and his gang enter.
They sit a few desks across from me and dabbed and do Fortnite dances. I roll my eyes but not at Matt. My eyes drifted off to him. I sigh dreamily as I rest my chin on my palm. He's so handsome!
"Hey, Peter!" my best friend, Ned, says as he plops himself down in the seat next to me, getting his chemistry text book out.
"Hey, Ned~..." I say, absentmindedly. I'm still staring at Matt.
"How's your Mom doing? He any better?" Ned asks.
Nothing. I stare at Matt and continue to stare at him until Ned smacks me across the face.
I hold my cheek and look at Ned in complete shock. He's never smacked me before.
"Ned?! What the heck was that for?!" I whisper shout.
"You were daydreaming again! Plus, you didn't answer my question. So, how's your Mom? Is he getting any better?"
"Mom's fine," I say. But Ned knows he's not.
The teacher comes in with folders in her arms. She has long, blonde, curly hair and a light blue dress with a jean jacket on top. She sits down at the desk and held her hand up for silence. Surprisingly, everyone fell silent. Even Matt and his gang.
"Good morning students," the teacher says, opening her folders.
"Good morning Mrs. Baker," everyone says in unison.
"Now, as you all know. We have field trip today to the University of Science," Mrs. Baker says.
She goes on explaining the directions. Knowing me, I would have probably go off into day dream if Mrs. Baker hadn't called my name. I scoot my chair back and walk up to her desk. Mrs. Baker is a kind woman. But she's also stern and sometimes even scares me.
She hands me a pink 8 and 1/2 by 11 paper and points to a long blank. I'm guessing that's where I put my personal information. You know? Like your name, your parents name, your phone number, address. So that the teachers know how to contact you in case you get lost or your parents in case something happens to the child.
As if reading my mind, she says in her thick British accent, "What I need you for, Mr. Reynolds, is to sign here for your name, write your parents name, your phone number, your parents phone numbers, and your address. Once you are done, you may bring that back to me and after everyone else is done, we can head for the University of Science!"
I stare at the pink paper. Mouth hanging slightly open. When she said "parents" I tense up a bit. My father is dead, woman. Don't you know that? It was on the news! How could you not have missed that?! Then I thought about my mother. My beautiful, beautiful mother. How he's suffering with the death of my father. How he's going through depression.
"Peter, are you okay?" she asks, snapping me out of my daze.
I gulp and nod vigorously. I take the slip of paper and walked back to my seat. I took out my pencil and begin to fill it out. But it's kind of hard to do so when your crush is being an idiotic, cute, goofball sitting right next to you. I try not to pay attention to him.
Your signature here the first blank reads. I write my name in both print and cursive. Your phone number the next one reads so I fill that one in. Your parents phone number I fill that one in. Just my mother's because Uncle Harrison isn't my father. He never will be. Your address the final one reads. So I, of course, fill that one out.
After I fill out the information the paper asked for, I got up and turned it in. After everyone completed their slips and turned them in, Mrs. Baker stands up from desk, claps her hands, and gathers us at the door. She leads us to the bus and we hop on. It's only Tuesday. I sigh. Three more days. Three more days until I go out on a date with Matt Murdock.
We arrive at the University of Science forty-five minutes later. We get out of the bus, strolling into the campus in a line. Or what seemed to be a line. Matt and his gang are messing around. Dabbing, doing Fortnite dances, embarrassing me completely, making me blush. Ned walks by me through the whole time.
While our tour guide is talking and giving us demonstrations, I stop at a transparent column that's filled with blue, bubbly chemicals and in that column is a small spider spinning a web. I tilt my head as I observe it.
I hadn't realize how long I've been staring at that small spider (I couldn't tell what species of spider it was) until Ned jabs me in the ribs.
"Hey!" I whisper-shout and glare at him.
"Sorry! But stop staring and get moving!" Ned says.
I follow Ned down the hall. We turn a left. We stop, discuss a bit, continue walking.
Suddenly, I feel a sharp prick in my neck like someone just pinched me. I yelp, loud enough that I caused everyone to stop in their tracks. Everyone turns to face me. Even Matt and his gang. All had worry looks.
"Peter?" Mrs. Baker says, walking up to me slowly. "Are you alright?"
I rub the back of my neck gently and wince. I pull my hand back and right then do I realize that my vision is getting blurry and I'm sweating and panting. I look down at my hand and see small specks of dark red, shimmering blood glistening in the light.
I lean against the wall to catch my balance. I look around, vision still blurry, but I'm dazed. I see him. My father. My real father.
He's standing by Ned, who's standing in front of me with a panic look, telling me not to fall asleep and stay awake for him. Dad smiles when he sees me. He's in his work suit and tie.
"Dad...?" I whisper, smiling slightly but still panting. I'm crying as well.
He nods. And in a deep voice says, "You must be brave now, Peter. I am always with you, my son. In your heart. Dead or alive. Your mother...your beautiful mother...protect him. Please. Protect your little brother. Remember Peter, with great power comes great responsibility."
With that, Dad vanishes. I blink. He's gone.
With great power, comes great responsibility.
With that, everything went black and I collapse onto the cold floor.

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