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IT'S NIGHTTIME NOW. I'm still on the highway. Still in search for my brother. I don't know where he is. I don't know where I am. I don't know if Uncle Harrison and Mom are okay. Why. Out of all the things that could happen, why did they have to happen to me?
Out of the corner of my eye, though, I see someone standing on the top of a building. I pull over to that building, park the car, grab my bag, and rush into the building. I have a feeling as to who it could be. I rush into the bathroom, change into my Spider-Man suit (that looks a lot like Mom's in his Spider-Man: Homecoming film) that I made back at the hotel.
After I changed, I sprint up the stairs to the top of the building. A few people recognized me (as Spider-Man of course) as I run up the stairs. I waved and continued running. My heart thumping against my chest.
Please let it be him. Please let it be him. Please!
I reach the top, wind blowing across my face. It's cold. I probably should've brought I coat. But it's raining. What a surprise.
The person's back is facing me. As I slowly approach the person, I can see katanas poking out of their sheaths (the handle part) and the sheaths tied around the person's back securely.
I gulp, my breathing becomes quick. I can see my breath. It's him. I hope.
I gulp again and walk up to him.
"H-Hello...?" I stammer, partly against the cold but also because of my excitement, hope, and nervousness.
The person turns around. It's Deadpool.

+ + +

"Well, what do you know? The world's famous web slinger!" Deadpool says. He sounds a lot like Wade, a lot like my brother.
We're standing face to face in the cold sleet. On top of a 30-story building. I'm still in shock.
"Wade...?" I breathed. "Is that you...?"
It's silent.
"Peter...?" he says, in utter shock.
I nod.
"What are you doing here?" Wade says, taking off his mask.
I take mine off too.
"I came to find you. Mom...I don't know if you got my voicemail, but-"
"I didn't," Wade says.
"Mom...he's getting worse. He's getting more and more depressed. And Uncle Harrison...he's marrying Mom..."
Wade stand there in shock. Eyes wide and mouth hanging open.
"What?!" Wade shout.
I nod. "It's true. I watched him."
"And you just let him propose to Mom?!" Wade screams irately.
"Wade. You have to understand that this...Uncle Harrison marrying Mom is what will make him better!" I try to explain.
"I don't care! Harrison is our Uncle! UNCLE! Not our father! Our father is DEAD!"
It's silent. Rain pouring down our cheeks. Thunder crackled and I jump a bit. Wade doesn't laugh. He used to tease me when I was little about my fear of storms. But now that we're older, Wade doesn't joke around anymore.
I tense up, my face scrunches up when he reminded me that Dad is dead.
I look down, trying not to cry.
What have they done. What have they done with my brother.
"I can't come home Peter," Wade whispers.
My heart sinks. Deep into the abyss of what is known as my chest. My half smile fades and I can't hold it anymore. I cry.
"Why?!" I whisper, choking on sobs. "Why can't you, Wade?!"
Wade turns from me, his back facing me and his voice barely audible but I can still hear what he's saying.
"I just can't, Peter."
My breathing becomes quick. I get furious. What does he mean that he can't?!
"What do you mean?! Do you know how much time I've spent looking for you, Wade?! Huh?! Do you?! It's been three days since I left home. Three. I don't even know what state Mom's in right now and I don't even know where I am!"
"Peter, what they did to me..." Wade mumbles, sitting himself down on the edge of the building.
I sit down next to him. He looks at me for a second and I stare back at him.
"What did they do to you, Wade?" I whisper, my voice cracking. "Who took you?"
It's silent for a moment. Wade gulps and fiddles with his hands. I place a hand on his shoulder in comfort and give him a small smile of reassurance.
"It's okay!" I whisper. "You can tell me, little bro!"
Wade sighs heavily. "They...they made me a killer, Peter. Which is why I can't come home. I fear that if I do, I'll my temper or something and I'll kill you or Mom...I'm sorry Peter..."
"Who took you, Wade," I demand.
"I don't remember their names. But I do know they're after you. They're after Mom. That's why I have to protect you two. That's why I can't come home." Wade explains his, his voice cracking.
"At least come home and see Mom for just this once?" I entreat. "He misses you Wade! He misses his son!"
"I'll put him in more danger than he already is!" Wade reminds me, as if I didn't get the point already.
"I don't care! What I care about right now is seeing my mother happy! And I'm sure you want that too!" I yell.
"I can't-"
I stand up. Angrily I pull Wade up and start dragging him with me to the stairs.
"I don't care, Wade. You're coming home! Just this once! Then after you see Mom for a bit, you can come back here!" I say.
We basically run down the stairs although it was more like a jog. We arrive at the car and Wade gets in the passenger seat and I get in the driver seat.
"Peter, I'm serious. I can't come home-"
"Screw it, Wade. You're coming home whether you like or not," I say.
Wade groans and rolles his eyes. I smirk. We drive a couple hours along the way. After a couple hours, we stop at a near by gas station.
"You stay here," I say, "don't leave. I'll be right back."
I fill the gas tank and enter the convince store. The door chimes as I walk in.
I walk up and down the aisle, seeing if anything will interest me. That's when I noticed him. He's wearing red. Mind you, I changed back into my normal clothes. Like I said, he was wearing red. He has a mask on and on the mask were little horns.
He notices me and blushing, I look down at my feet. I hear him walking to me. His footsteps echos and he's behind me. Right behind me. I can feel his cold breathing against my neck, making my breath hitch a bit.
"You from around here?" the man asks, his voice deep.
I gulp. My heart is beating against my chest. He sounds a lot like him. He sounds a lot like Matt.
"Um..." I say, my voice barley audible. "No..."
"You sound a lot like someone I know. You look a lot like him too," he says.
I gulp. I know Mom says not to talk to strangers, but screw it. Mom's not here so he can't tell me what to do.
I turn to face him. "And you sound like someone I know a lot too."
It's silent for a moment. We stare at each other as if we were remembering something.
My mind clicked. The news did say that a man named Daredevil was on the loose too. Maybe this is him. It's worth a shot.
"You're him aren't you?" I ask.
The man in the red costume flinched. Yep. This might be him.
"What do you mean?" the man asks, his voice a whisper and not meeting my eyes.
"You're Daredevil aren't you?"
Again, silence. But this time, he looks up at me.
"How'd you know?" he says in disbelief.
"The news. Says there was a man named Daredevil on the loose and he stopped Deadpool from killing that man at that gas station store," I explain.
"You shouldn't be here, Peter," Daredevil says.
I look at him in complete shock. How'd he know who I was? I gasp. Unless...
"How'd you know my name?" I ask.
"You look a lot like your mother," he says. "Which is how I knew it was Peter. Because Tom has a son. Two. And one looks a lot like him and that's how I know. Because I know he has a son who looks a like him and that his name is Peter."
"I um...was just heading out," I say, slowly walking backwards, jabbing my thumb to the door.
"Alright then. See you soon, I guess," Daredevil says with a grin on his face.
I find myself smiling too. Why? I have no idea.
"Yep," I say and walk out the store.
I open the front door and climbed in. I put on my seat belt and turned on the ignition. I turned to Wade, who I handcuffed to the wheel so he wouldn't escape and who has a scared and worried look.
Confused, I say, "What?"
"We need to go. Now," Wade orders, his voice serious but yet his eyes filled with fear.
"Why...?" I ask hesitantly.
"The people who took me? The people who are after you, Peter? They got him. They got Mom."
My eyes widen. My heart thumping against my chest.
No. No it can't be. Please not him. Please not Mom.
"Mom's in danger."

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