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"A NEW MERCENARY who named himself Deadpool, yes, you heard me, Deadpool was seen last night at a gas station," the news reporter says.
It's now morning, probably around eight or nine am. I don't know, I don't keep track of time anymore. Adikius sits in front of me, chewing away his breakfast. We're in a little café that's downtown from the hotel we're in. I stare at the television.
New Mercenary? Deadpool? I thought. I continue to watch the news.
"He was about to kill the innocent cashier without mercy until a new masked hero named Daredevil. Yes, Daredevil. According to the cashier and witnesses, Daredevil stepped in front of the cashier and with just the tip of his finger, knocked Deadpool out. Can you believe it? How ridiculous does that sound? Deadpool? Daredevil? Are all these characters from the comics coming to life? What are we going to have next? Spider-Man? Are going to have a Tony Stark? Where's Robert Downey Jr who plays Tony Stark?"
My brows are narrowed and the gears in my brain are turning. Is it possible that Wade is Deadpool? I mean, he is named after him. But I know Wade. He wouldn't kill anyone! If he did, why would he do that? And Daredevil...
My eyes widen and I gasp. No. No effing way. There's no way! That's impossible!
"What is it?" Adikius says, raising his eyebrows and looking at me while he's drinking his coffee.
"Is it true?" I say, staring at the frozen picture of Daredevil and Deadpool.
"Is what true, Peter?" Adikius asks.
"Is my little brother Deadpool?"
Adikius stares at me, slowly lowering his cup, brows narrowed. He stiffens a bit when I say Deadpool. I raise an eyebrow.
"Well?" I say. "Is it? Is my little brother Deadpool?"
Adikius sighs heavily and fiddles with his fingers. His lips goes into a thin line but he's not looking at me anymore.
"Peter. There were somethings that were meant to be."
"What do you mean...?" I ask, hesitantly.
"Your brother, young Peter, he's meant to be the way he is. You, Peter, are meant to be the way you are. Your mother, your beautiful mother Peter, was meant to be who he already is."
"What are you trying to say...?" I ask, my voice lowering into a whisper. "Is Wade, my little brother...the one I'm supposed to protect...the one I'm supposed to look a mercenary? Is Deadpool?"
It's silent for a moment. Adikius just grins. That's all he does. Is grins.
"You are one clever boy, Peter. You're smart like your mother, you should be able to figure it out."
"I'm gonna find him," I say, slamming a fist on the table. "I'm gonna find him and when I find him and whoever took him, I'll kill them. I'll kick their a-"
"Peter-" Adikius starts, but I cut him off.
"I don't care. I don't care what you say anymore. My brother's life is at stake here. I'm going to find my brother and bring him home. I don't care what you people say," I tell him, my voice scary low.
"And your crush?" Adikius points out.
I freeze. My eyes widen. Oh shoot! I forgot! Today's Friday! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Matt. Matt Murdock and I are supposed to have a date. Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!
"Oh man! I completely forgot! I've been so focused with trying to find Wade that I completely forgot about it. Excuse me while I go call Matt!" I say, in a rush. I stand up and run to the male's bathroom and call him.
"Hello?" he calls after a few rings.
"Hey, Matt...!" I say, rubbing the back of my neck nervously.
"Oh! Hey, Peter! You ready for tonight? Ooh, I can't wait to see your beauty!" Matt says.
I stifle a laugh at the comment and blush. My smile soon turns into a frown.
"Um...Matt...about that..." I say.
"What? Your Mom canceled it?"
"I uh...did Mom call you already?" I ask.
"Uh...yeah he did. Why do you ask? Still looking for your brother?" he says.
I nod even though he can't see me.
"Yes, I'm sorry Matt. I don't know where I am but I really don't care about that right now. I'm still looking for Wade. I promise once I find him, I'll make it up to you!"
I can hear him sigh heavily. When he sighs, my heart sinks. My half smile fades into a frown and I lower my eyes to the floor. I was so hyped for the date too! I feel the same way right now. I wish Dad, my real Dad, Ryan, hadn't died. I wish Wade hadn't run away. I wish everything is back to normal. I wish Dad is alive, I wish Wade is here, I wish I was at home, I wish Mom was happy again. I hadn't gotten bit by that spider. I wish I wasn't Spider-Man. I wish I had a normal sixteen year old life.
But no. None of my dreams happened. It became the complete and total opposite. Dad's dead. Wade's gone. Mom's getting more depressed. Uncle Harrison is marrying my Mom. I got bitten by that spider. I became Spider-Man.
Matt and I talked a bit and then 'round a half hour or so later we hung up. What a great way to start a day. I sigh heavily, placing the phone in my back pocket once more, and walk out of the bathroom.
I enter the main room of the little café. Adikius is still sitting there when I arrive. I sit in front of him and he raises his eyebrows.
"Well? How'd it go?" he says.
"It went fine, really," I answer.
"That's good," he says.
I stand up and grab my bag, hoisting it onto one shoulder.
"Where are you going, Peter?" Adikius asks, paying the check and standing up as well.
"I'm going to find my brother," I say, not looking at him and walking out of the restaurant.
"No, Peter! You can't!"
We're at my car now. I spin around and glare at him and look at him as if he's crazy. Which he is by the way.
"And why not?!" I complain.
"Because it's too dangerous!" Adikius says. "Please. Let me go with!"
"No! I'm going! Whether you like it or not!" I shout, getting into the driver's seat and starting the ignition.
"Peter, you can't be serious!" Adikius says, banging on the window.
"I am serious! Now, go see Mom! See if he's okay! Goodbye, Adikius!" I yell, pulling in reverse and slamming on the gas pedals.
The tire squeals and I make a sharp left.
I'm coming Wade. Just stay alive. Stay alive. Please.
Stay alive.

MY LITTLE BROTHER IS DEADPOOLWhere stories live. Discover now