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WADE AND I ended up staying home for the rest of the day. Sorry, teachers, but Mom's health and safety is more important. After a few hours of letting Mom sleep, I decide to call my Uncle Harry.
Uncle Harry is Mom's younger twin brother. Well, I really can't describe uncle Harry because well, he's my Mom's twin. He has the same hair color, eye color, height differences for sure and different facial structures. Uncle Harry does not look like he'd just ate a frog. No offense Mom. Uncle Harry is married. He has a husband named Corban and Uncle Harry delivered my baby cousin, Dominic, who was named after my Mom's father, a year ago. Uncle Harry's feminine as well, but not trans. Just special.
After several rings, Uncle Harry picks up. Wade is on the couch watching the news. Man, he really is Dad.
"Hello?" Uncle Harry calls from the other end of the line.
I smile when I hear his voice and say, "Hey, Uncle Harry!"
"Oh! Hey, Peter! Why are you calling? Shouldn't you be at school?" Uncle Harry asks.
"Um...bout that..." I start. But Uncle Harry isn't stupid. He knows something is up based on my voice.
"What? What is it, Peter?" he asks.
"'s Mom..." I say.
I can see Uncle Harry's eyes go wide, afraid Mom got into a car accident himself and ends up dead. I wouldn't blame him.
"What happened?! Tom?! Peter is your mother with you?!" Uncle Harry says, panicking.
"Uncle Harry, relax. Mom is with me just not in the room," I tell him.
Uncle Harry calms down a bit.
"Then why'd you call?"
"Mom's getting drunk. The house was trash when Wade and I came home to check on Mom. But we found Mom in Wade's bathroom puking everywhere from drinking so much!" I explain.
"How many beers did he drank?" Uncle Harry asks.
"Um...there were five to six on the floor when Wade and I came home..." I say.
Uncle Harry curses. "I'm gonna have a chat with your mother-"
"Uncle Harry, relax," I say, "Mom's fine for now. But I need your help. I hate seeing my mother like this. Yeah, I get why he's doing it. It's because of Dad's death. So I told him he needs to see a therapist. What do you think? Should Mom see a therapist?"
It's silent for a moment. I know Uncle Harry is thinking and considering the options.
After a few moments of silence, Uncle Harry says, "Yeah. I think he could use that."
"Okay, thanks Uncle Harry. I'll call you if there's any more trouble!"
"Of course! Anything for my nephew."'
We hang up. I tuck my phone back into my pocket. I look around the house. It's still trash. I clap my hands together.
"Alright, Wade. Let's do Mom a favor and help him clean up the house."
It takes us a few hours to do so. But after a while, the house looks good as new. Wade and I plop ourselves down on the couch and we close our eyes and sigh with content. A smile suppressing on our faces.
"I hope Mom gets better," Wade says. "I hate seeing him like this."
"I know. Me too," I say.
"Do you think Mom will ever get better, Peter?" Wade asks me.
I frown when he says this. The sadness in my little brother's voice breaks my heart. Mom is Wade's roll model. When Wade was little and I mean very little maybe about three years old or so, he used to dress up as Spider-Man and pretends to be him. And Mom would be Tony Stark and Dad would be the villian. And according to Wade when we played Spider-Man I was Wade's sidekick. I smile at the memory. Ah, memories.
"Of course he will, Wade. It just takes time," I say.
By the time Mom wakes up it's already 6 pm. Mom walks downstairs, rubbing his eyes.
"Hey, Mom. How're you feeling?" I ask, standing up and help him to the living room couch.
"Better," Mom breathes as he plops himself next to Wade. He smiles at us. "Thank you boys. I'm sorry you had to see me like this."
"It's not your fault, Mama," Wade assures Mom. "I would have done the same. So would have Peter."
I nod in agreement.
"Can I get you anything Mom?"
Mom chuckles and says, "You boys are so helpful. But a glass of water would be fine Peter, no ice, thank you."
I nod and went to the now cleaned kitchen and grab a small glass and filled it with cold water. I walk back to the living room and had the water to Mom. He takes a huge gulp of it.
"Chug, chug, chug!" Wade chants as Mom took a huge sip of water.
After he finishes, Mom laughs. It was the first laugh I heard it what seems like forever.
"Wade!" Mom laughs.
It's silent. Well, except for the TV that's running in the background. Mom sighs and so do we. It's quiet without Dad. And then Mom says, "Boys. I've been thinking..."
"Yeah, Mom?" Wade and I both say. I grab a chair and sit in it, across Mom.
"You remember your Uncle Harrison?" Mom asks.
Oh yeah. How can I ever forget about him. Uncle Harrison is Mom's best friend. We call him an uncle because 1) he's always with Mom and 2) because he acts like one to us. Uncle Harrison has spikey blonde hair in a Mohawk way, piercing blue eyes like I have, and cheek bones clearly visible. Uncle Harrison is also British but he's not feminine. He and Mom have been friends for ages.
"Yeah," Wade says, breaking the silence and I nod.
"How would you boys like him as your new Dad?" Mom asks.
I freeze and Wade stares at Mom in shock.
New Dad? I thought. What is Mom thinking?! Harrison's his BEST FRIEND!
"Well?" Mom says.
"Erm...mother..." I begin. "Why Harrison? He's your best friend right?"
Mom nods. "Yes. But before I met your father back in high school and when I was your age, Peter, I fell for Harrison first. We've dated before but then I met your father and your father stole my heart. So I broke up with Harrison because I loved your father more. And then your father asked me out and so on."
"Oh," is all I could manage.
"So since your real father is dead," Mom winces when he says that, "how would you boys feel if Harrison filled in for him?"
It's silent again. Until I break it.
"It wouldn't be the same," I say.
"I know," says Mom. "But you boys need a father. And I need a husband."
I sigh and so does Wade. We don't speak for awhile but Mom calls Harrison instead. They argue a bit over the phone. Wade and I remain silent, staring at the floor. After the arguing, Mom hangs up and rolles his eyes.
He huffs and crosses his arms. "Your Uncle."
"What happened, Mom?" Wade asks.
"He says he doesn't want to be your father because my husband just died and feels I need some time by myself."
It's silent again.
But a few minutes later, the bell rings. I rush over to the door, tripping over my shoe laces and I turn the knob. There he is. My uncle Harrison.
"Mom! Uncle Harrison is here!" I say and before I know it Mom is at my side.
"I thought you said you didn't want to come?" Mom asks, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms over his chest.
"Well I changed my mind. I realized you can't raise two children on your own," Uncle Harrison says.
Mom smiles and turns to face Wade and I.
"Boys," Mom begins, "say hello to your new Dad."

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