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"YES! YES I will marry you!" Mom cries, no literally cries. Tears streams down his cheeks as he hops up from his chair as Uncle Harrison-um...Dad-stands up and slides the ring on Mom's ring finger.
Mom wraps his legs around Dad's-God, I got to get used to it! Feels so weird now!-waist and his arms around Dad's neck. Mom kisses him deeply. I hope Dad, my dead Dad, won't mind that Dad, my new Dad, is marrying my dead Dad's wife. I know it's confusing. But like I said, I just have to get used to it. I wonder how Wade's going to take it when he finds out...if he finds out.
Mom hops down from my new Dad and turns to look at me. Mom's still smiling but his eyes are filled with worry.
"And you're okay with this Peter?" Mom asks me, leaning his head on my new Dad's shoulder.
I nod. "If it makes you happy, Mom. Then go for it."
Mom, still smiling, pecks my forehead.
"Thank you, Peter. Why don't you go get ready for bed?"
So I did. I head upstairs and into my room. I sigh contently as I flop onto the bed. Only two more days. Just two more days! I'm surprised Tessa hasn't left the room yet. She's still curled up on the foot of my bed, snoring away. I pet between her ears, smiling at myself.
After petting her, I lay myself back onto the bed. Closing my eyes, I fell into a deep sleep.

+ + +

I awake with a knock on my door. It's my new father, Harrison. He calls me several times. I can tell he is slowly loosing his patience with me. I groan, like I do all mornings, and hop out of bed. Tessa finally wakes up too and she hops down with me.
I open the door and say, "Morning um...Dad..."
Dad, my new one, grins. "I thought I wasn't your father at all?"
I roll my eyes. "That was before you proposed to Mom. Now I have to call you Dad. God, it's so confusing!"
You know what? I'm just going to call him Uncle Harrison from now on so you, or whoever's reading this, can tell who is my father haha.
"Haha. You'll get used to it," Uncle Harrison says.
"I know," I say.
Uncle Harriso goes to turn around and goes downstairs but I stop him. There's 99% that he'll probably answer "no" to this question I'm about to ask. But it's worth a try.
"Dad?" I say, stoping Uncle Harrison in his tracks and he turns to face me, an eyebrow arched.
"Yeah, kid?" he asks.
"Any thing from Wade, lately?" I ask hesitantly.
Uncle Harrison sighs. "No. I'm sorry Peter."
I groan. "Where the heck is he?! I need to find him!"
"Peter, relax. Give Wade some time. He'll come home when he's ready," Uncle Harrison assures me.
I scoff and cross my arms over my chest. "If he comes home."
I look down at my feet and Uncle Harrison cups my chin and lifts it to meet his ocean blue eyes.
"Wade will. He will come home. He will come home to his big brother. He will come home to his mother. He will come home to his family," Uncle Harrison says.
"How do you know that?" I taunt. "You have no proof if he will!"
"I know so, Peter. I have faith and hope in him. I believe he will come home. Just give him some time and he will," Uncle Harrison says.
"It's been almost a week Dad and Wade isn't home yet! A WEEK! Mom's getting worse and worse. It's like my family keeps drifting apart! I can't take this any more Dad. I have to find him. I have to save my little brother!" I say.
I grab my coat and my bag. I unzip my bag and put pepper spray (in case some maniac tried to assault me or something), a gun (in case someone attacks me on the way and I have to defend myself), my phone, and Wade's pocket knife. I stuff all those items in my bag and hoist it on my bag with one shoulder strap on my shoulder.
"Peter, you aren't serious aren't you?" Uncle Harrison says.
I nod. "I am serious about this Dad. My baby brother could be in danger! He could be hurt! Or worse! I'm doing Mom a favor. I'm bringing Wade home."
Uncle Harrison sighs heavily and pecks my forehead.
"Just be back before dinner," Uncle Harrison says. "I'll call the school and say that you're sick."
"Thanks Dad. Can I borrow your car keys?" I ask.
Uncle Harrison smiles and shakes his head, laughing. "Sure, kid. Be careful."
"Ok, Dad," I say, grabbing the keys off the hook and opening the front door. "Tell Mom I love him and I'll be back for dinner!"
Uncle Harrison gives me a thumbs up and I walk out of the house. I open the driver's side of the car and put my bag and coat the passager side of the car. I start the ignition.
Alright Wade, I think as I turn on the radio on comes Queen. I roll my eyes. Uncle Harrison loves Queen's songs. He plays them all the time.
I'm coming. I'm coming to save you. Just stay where you are. Don't leave. Don't. I'm coming lil' bro.
I push on the gas peddle and zoomed out of the driveway, into the stormy night.

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