rude ass

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Today is gonna be a week since taehyung started working for mr.jeon aka the rude boss. Taehyung's life couldn't get any worse. Jungkook made taehyung work for useless things like making him arrange all his desk then rearrange again, spilling coffee 'accidently' on the files so taehyung had to rewrite all of it, jungkook stated he liked aehyung's handwriting so he made taehyung write a whole fucking file by hands. Taehyung was tired of all this but he couldn't complain as he somewhat loved doing all this as this gave him way to be close to jungkook or stay close to him.

Taehyung yawned as he completed his yet another useless presentation which obviously was given to him by the older. He smiled in content as he handed jungkook the printed files.

"Good, now you can leave" jungkook said flipping through the files. Taehyung  huffed and looked with an angry glare to jungkook. He has already had enough of his jerkiness. Now it's time to show up sassy tae

"Excuse me?! If you don't know how to appreciate then i can teach you, don't show this attitude to me. I am not your fuc-- pet... i am a human too. You make me do all useless and worthless stuff just so you can enjoy seeing me in stress. I am sorry to say this but you are nothing but a rude ass. I am pretty aware what you are gonna say now 'rules' but i don't give a damn about it right now. I haven't slept peacefully since i don't know when and it's just because you haunt me in my dreams" taehyung let out a frustrated ughh before huffing and sitting down on his seat with an angry glare still over jungkook. He funnily mimicked jungkook's way of speaking 'mind the rules' and went outside to have fresh air.

He saw namjoon going outside the building so he ran to catch up with him. "namjoonie hyung wait!" he shouted. Namjoon turned at hearing the familiar voice of taehyung. "hello" he smiled his dimple smile as he stopped to let taehyung catch up with him. "good morning namjoonie hy-- i mean sir" taehyung bowed and namjoon laughed "iss okay tae you can call me hyung, it seems you are pretty uncomfortable with calling me sir" namjoon patted taehyung's hair and if taehyung had a tail he would have waddled it right now. They both went towards a nearby park and sat on the swings, taehyung's feet brushing the ground as he swung on the swing, his smile fell sightly and a sad expression turned onto his face as he recalled the events of a few minutes before and then an angry pout took his place. "What's up, tae?" namjoon asked as he saw the change of expression on taehyung's face. "nothing" taehyung said still a pout on his lips. "tae, you can tell me" namjoon showed an understanding smile. "it's jungkook" taehyung sighed, he didn't like calling jungkook mr.jeon everytime. "what's with him now?" namjoon shook his head and asked. "h-he makes me work on useless things, making  me arrange his table several time even if it is neat and he was even about to punish me even when i saved his ass from being dissapointed" taehyung huffed. "wait?! he was ABOUT to punish you? which means he did NOT punish you?!" namjoon asked with his eyes widened. "yeah...because i regressed" taehyung scratched his neck awkwardly. "wow!" namjoon scoffed. Taehyung tilted his head in confusion "what?" he asked. "nothing it's just that he has always punished his assistants in every way he could find, i mean he is my stepbrother but we are more than that, but i have never seen him NOT hit any assistant so you're the first who has ever dodged his punishment. I don't know why?" namjoon looked at taehyung and smirked. "Maybe there's something he likes about you" to which taehyung widened his eyes. "i-it's not like t-that, he told me that he just did not punish me because i was in headspace" taehyung laughed awkwardly dodging the other's statement

Taehyung got up and bowed to namjoon "anyways namjoonie hyung i will leave or that rude ass is gonna scold me again" taehyung stated to which namjoon laughed. Taehyung was about to leave but namjoon stopped by putting his hand on taehyung's shoulder. "Taehyung, what i said, don't ignore it" namjoon smiled. Taehyung nodded with his heart beating fast. He quickly ran away from the park towards the building still thinking about what namjoon said. 

I don't think it's right

And i don't even like him 

And he even hits his assistant

But why my heart is beating so fast

Anyways one year and i'll be long gone from this hell

He barged inside the cabin and found jungkook still working. He coughed and sat down on his desk. Jungkook looked up and then looked down again towards his laptop

He cleared his throat and wiped his fake sweat. " can i ask you a question?" jungkook tried to sound bossy. Taehyung nodded. "am i a rude boss" he raised his eyebrow. Taehyung choked on his own spit. "umm...i-it's not l-like that umm.....actually to be honest a little" taehyung said in a small tone

"Ummm....Ohh" jungkook said in a stern voice "anyways back to work. Send me the file the min company sent on email" jungkook said and taehyung nodded. Taehyung was about to work but jungkook said "ahh i am gonna sleep for a while wake me up exactly at 4:00" to which taehyung nodded


Jungkook's phone kept buzzing to which jungkook was now half asleep. Taehyung was getting disturbed because of the buzzing, he huffed as another message came and went towards jungkook's table. Taehyung took the phone looking at jungkook so incase he did not wake the older up. 

He opened the other's phone as another message came

Pussy liza is messaging you..

"Oppa please reply"

Taehyung laughed silently at the name but frowned reading the message

"Oppa i still love you..... please oppa"

Taehyung typed (italics are messages taehyung is typing)

" Sorry but your OPPA is busy with his boyfriend" taehyung didn't even think before writing that. He felt jealous but he didn't even know why.

" What?! Oppa this is not fair. I know you like me!"

" Sorry but this is not your oppa, this is your oppa's boyfriend" taehyung blushed while writing

" I don't think it's true. Send me pics of you and oppa"

Taehyung grunted at the words of that girl. He gulped before looking at jungkook and opening the camera app. 

He clicked some pictures, one with a pout, one with tongue sticking out, one with a heart. 
He looked at the pictures and felt satisfied with them.
he sent the pictures to that girl

"I don't think these are real. I don't even think you have ever kissed oppa. If you guys are real send me a video of you kissing oppa"

To be continued


I love them

Anyways love you guys


my boss is my daddy|taekook|CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now