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Taehyung was finally stable to talk or face the elder. He thought nor the elder would bother him today neither he would bother him. He made his way out of his house as he greeted jimin a good bye and went towards his car.
He hummed to 'galaxy' by bol4 (seriously i love that song) as he drove. He thought of the kiss which didn't make him sleep for these two nights. He blushed but then sighed a sad sigh
Anyways, jungkook would have thought it was a mistake....
But it was a mistake.....right?
It's wrong yet i feel so right about it.
The elder's thoughts filled him again but certainly washed them off.
He got towards the parking lot of the company and parked his car.
He fixed his clothes then sighed an assuring sigh and walked inside.
He walked and walked until he reached the cabin.
He slowly opened the door to see jungkook already sitting with a frown on his table as his arms were crossed on his stomach.
Taehyung gulped in fear as he thought that why was the elder in such a bad mood
"Ahh~ mr. Kim" jungkook said in a straight voice. (Yeah a gay speaking in straight voice→_→→_→)
"G-good morning mr.jeon" taehyung said in a slow voice that no one could here but jungkook did.
"May i ask where have you been these two days?" Jungkook got up from his seat and walked towards the younger
"I-i.....i was busy" taehyung whispered
"Ohh~ busy with what?" Jungkook said in a bow deeper tone
"I-i was with jimin hyung" taehyung said closing his eyes because of how dangerous the other looked
Jungkook now got even more angrier after hearing jimin's name. You could say he was jealous
"And~ did you ask permission for it?" Jungkook faked a sweet tone
Taehyung just shook his head
"ANSWER ME GODDAMNIT!" Jungkook yelled to which taehyung yelped and as jungkook saw taehyung yelping he scoffed
He got closer to him and because of that taehyung's heart beats already fastened
"Do you know how much i missed you?" Jungkook whispered unintentionally
Taehyung's eyes opened widely to that as his heartbeats now got even faster
"I mean.....do you know how much work you missed?" Jungkook corrected his sentence
Taehyung nodded his head
"So~ now you are gonna get punished" jungkook smirked and threw the scared taehyung over the couch his face in the couch and legs dangling on the floor. Tears were already rolling down taehyung's eyes
"Please don't" taehyung whispered because no words could come out of his mouth.
Jungkook........he was too filled with anger as he could not hear the crying and pleas of the younger.
"Count till twenty" jungkook said in a deep voice as he stared at the younger's bubble butt lustfully but shook his head as he was only there to punish the younger.

Taehyung cried even more but spoke anyways
"O-one" he said his butt twitching in pain as a red mark was formed under his clothed skin

He could moan under me so beautifully
Jungkook thought but shooed the thoughts away

"T-two" taehyung was now a crying baby under jungkook


"Please stop....i-it hurts" taehyung pleaded again and again
The hits were unbearable
The belt hitting on his butt making it sting in pain
His tears had no bounds.
This was usual....he got hit everyday

"Mom please stop" taehyung yelled in pain
"If you hadn't been a bad boy you wouldn't have been getting this" another smack came
"Sorry sorry it won't...ouch....it won't happen again. I-i'll go in there everytime you say. I'll do it just don't hit me" taehyung cried and the smacks came to a stop and he sighed in pain and relief.
"Okay....bitch, now go in there and make money" his mom said and pushed him inside

Taehyung cried and cried until he passed out again

End of flashback

"T-twenty" taehyung could no longer breath his butt red as a tomato because of the hits. Jungkook proud of himself went back again to his chair.
He was about to work but got distracted as sobs came from the corner
"K-kookie is j-just like those people" taehyung mumbled in his cryings.
Jungkook now went towards the other who was sitting with his knees on the ground and hands on his face.
"K-kookie is not taetae's friend" taehyung cried loudly
Jungkook panicked and as his anger got away, guilt rushed in his body (bitch→_→).
"W-what happened?" Jungkook took his hand out to caress the younger's cheek but taehyung smacked his hand away
"D-don't touch taetae....y-you are the same as them. Y-you will hurt me too" taehyung angrily said and rushed outside with his aching butt and leaving a confused and ashamed jungkook in the room filled with taehyung's pleas and cries.
Jungkook pulled his hair in frustration
"Arghhh......what did i do just now?!" He said punching the wall as blood came out from his hand
He punched again and again then stopped he looked at his bloody hands and sighed.
"Fuck?! What to do now? Shall i find him? No he must not want to see me" jungkook sighed
"Why can't you control jungkook?!" He yelled at himself
"But that was a usual punishment right? Why am i making such a fuss about it?!" Jungkook sighed then went towards his desk, grabbed the bandages and wrapped it around his hand and sighed
"I am sorry taehyung" he said
"Wait?! But why am i even sorry? Isn't this the thing i do to my every assistant?!" He groaned speaking the thought out loud.
"Maybe i should work to get this thing out of my mind" he said and walked towards his desk.
He tried hard
Tried hard so he could not focus on taehyung
But his words......his words replayed in the other's mind

Kookie is just like others


Taehyung ran and ran until he could see his own home. He knew jimin and jin would be there right now because they were off work today.

"Kookie is just l-like the others" "kookie likes to hit taetae"
"Kookie i-is not taetae's friend" he said again and again, tears flowing out of his eyes as rain flows out from the clouds. He was still in headspace
"A-ahh it hurts taetae" taehyung said to himself touching his butr which was hit by jungkook from his belt.
He went inside crying. Jin and jimin were watching television as usual but when taehyung came inside their eyes widened and they both got up to hug the broken tae.

"Tae baby?!" Jin hugged taehyung who cried more in the warm hug
"What happened taehyung?" Jimin asked in a worried tone, he was also about to break down in tears seeing his friend like this.

Jin and jimin knew it all. What was taehyung's past, how he had been through it, why were they so possessive of the younger.
They have been a shield of taehyung since taehyung stepped on their doorstep.
They haven't let anyone hurt their baby. Taehyung meant everything to them and by everything it means everything

"Taehyung please tell us. We are worried" jin said in a cracky voice
"Kookie hurt taetae" taehyung cried in jin's hug
"Shit he is in headspace again" jimin whispered to jin
"Taetae baby......ish okay" jin said trying to calm the crying baby
"Kookie hit taetae" and that was enough to make jin angry
"Jimin who is kookie?" He asked in a dangerous tone.
"H-he is his boss....jungkook" jimin whispered because he was scared of jin
Jin is a really sweet hearted person but when someone hurts his family he can be called a mafia, who is ready to kill anyone by all means.
"You be here, i am gonna go to the company" jin said handing taehyung to jimin
"Baby jinnie would be right back...taetae be with jiminie and jiminie will feed taetae chocolate icecream okay?" Jin said in a sweet tone to taehyung to which now only sniffles could be heard.
As taehyung loves choclate icecream
Before jin could go jimin stopped him
"Wait?!" He said that stopped jin and he turned his eyes red with anger
"Just don't kill him" he sighed
"Sorry.....i can make no promises" jin said and barged out
Jimin sighed and he knows what's gonna happen now
"Be safe jungkook" he said to himself and took taehyung to the sofa and placed a big chocolate icecream tub on the tavle near taehyung


Jin walked briskly inside the building, some people tried to stop him but he threw everyone who came towards him away and walked dangerously towards jungkook's office

He flew the door open with a thud
"You!" He said then ran towards the startled jungkook and pinned him on the wall
Jungkook tried escaping but couldn't as he became small under jin just by seeing his red angry eyes
"You shouldn't have messed up with taehyung" jin said in a dangerously low tone
"Because now.....you have messed up with me" he said

To be continued

Sorry guys a late update
But anyways 1.01k guys!! Just on 8 chapter. I am thankful to you all
Check my previous story
'locked with you forever, completed' it is a taekook one too
And guys i have a news
New bighit debut group!!!!
I have a wrong feeling about this but i cannot oppose their decision, though it makes my heart break that jin is gonna enlist in military in the late 2019
I am not crying you are
Anyways stay tuned

my boss is my daddy|taekook|CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now