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Taehyung's hands made sound on the keyboard as he hitted every key
Currently he was busy writing the monthly report of the shares since the two months.
Yes it has been two months now. Taehyung has been working in the jeon company for two months.
Basically, he liked his job because of three reasons:
1. He really liked the job because it was his dream to become a C.A. of a big company
2. His pay was enough for him to eat at a fucking rich restaurant everyday though he likes to be simple
3. And lastly, the most important reason. He gets to see Mr. Hottie The Jeon Jungkook everyday
Sometimes jungkook annoys taehyung, but he can never admit to the fact that he does like whatever jungkook does to him. And yeah his life couldn't get any better.


"Mr. Kim please can you bring me the files from that desk" jungkook sighed stressfully as he rubbed his temples.
Jungkook was a bratty boss but when it comes to work, he is remarkable. No one can compare to him, he has great excellence in his work. And jungkook.....he loved his job. It was his passion to become a heir of the jeon company which had been in the business before his dad's death.
His dad had fatal cancer. He knew he couldn't be saved. He always was dependent on his three sons. He knew that they would never let him down and seems that mr.jeon itself is a person of his words. All the three brothers are incompatible, when it comes to work or anything they are just unbeatable. Even though they are not brothers by blood they seem to have a special bond which no brother has with his blood brother. They have always been through thick and thin together.

Taehyung noticed the frustration in jungkook's expression.
"Sir, you could take a break. Taking a break is fine, you won't die if you would take a break." Taehyung stated
Jungkook glared at him but his gaze softened as he saw taehyung's scared face
"It's okay mr. Kim i don't need a break" he stated although he really did need a break. He works overnight, doesn't get proper sleep plus he always focuses on gymming
"Bu- fine. I was just worried for you" taehyung mumbled as he fiddled with his fingers although jungkook heard him


He worries for me?
Jungkook blushed as he thought but still he cleared his throat, patted his cheek and stated
"F-fine if you want me to have a break i will" he said awkwardly and closed his laptop
Taehyung blushingly smiled
Jungkook got up and plopped down on the sofa.
"Wake me up if you need something or if anything is urgent" jungkook told
"Yes sir" taehyung exclaimed
Jungkook quickly gave a assuring smile and drifted off to sleep.
Ahh i could look at hik sleeping all day...
Ughh why you so stupid taehyung?
Anyways do not look at him while working okay

Taehyung quickly took a glance at the sleeping boy. Mouth slightly agape, and a few bunny teeth showing up, hands undeneath his head and sleeping dreamily
Taehyung took a picture of him and looked at it while he blushed
"I'll blackmail him with it" he giggled silently to himself
"He is so cute but hot at the same time" taehyung puts an arm on the table as he stared at jungkook with a pout as to why he was his personality so dual.
"Kookie wants to eat carrot" jungkook mumbled breathily in his sleep
Taehyung cooed and giggled to himself. He would have screamed if jungkook wasn't his boss or if he wasn't sleeping.
"Enough staring at him now go back to work" he looked one last time at the bunny who was dreaming of a truckload of carrots and went back to work.
He worked and worked but took glances of the bunny too.


Finally taehyung sighed a sigh of relief as his work was finished.
He stretched his arms and then looked at his watch
9:00 pm
It had been past his work time which means he should have been off of work till now
He looked at jungkook who was still sleeping a trail of a bit saliva flowing off of his ajar mouth.
Taehyung giggled but then went to wipe the saliva. His hands touched the soft cheeks of jungkook and his excitement grew as he slightly poked the squishy cheeks.

Fuck! They are so soft! I will surely eat them if i don't go away from him right now!
He said and stood up but then his gaze went towards his chest.
He bent down and slightly poked his chest. His eyes widened at the squishiness of the chest
He is a soft muscle pig!
I wonder how it feels as a pillow
Only one way to find out
Taehyung gently gets up and places himself atop on jungkook and nibbled his shirt sleeve as to not wake the older. When no sign of movement was there he sighed and layed on jungkook's chest.
Taehyung was right. Jungkook's chest was the squishiest pillow in this whole world.
His heartbeats so smooth that made taehyung's eyelids feel heavy, his skin so smooth that made taehyung feel he was laying on the clouds and by now the boy had drifted off to immense pleasured sleep. Dreaming of clouds, rainbows, soft pillows lying everywhere with cute bunny stuffies placed on them. He put his thumb in his mouth and sucked it but it soon dropped as he went into deep slumber.
Automatically, jungkook's arms went from behind his head to the direction of taehyung's waist as he tightly wrapped them around him. A slight smile on his face as he was dreaming that he was hugging a big tiger fluffy. Happy in each other's arms this was the bestest of best sleep they could ever have and jungkook wad glad to have a fluffball aka an assistant like kim taehyung.
"Tiger tiger hug me more" he said in his sleep
But as on cue taehyung quickly wrapped his arms around his chest and they both wiggled and snuggled in each other's warmth which was different yet familiar.


The door closed leaving the two sleepers snuggling on the couch who got unnoticed by the watchman who came to lock the door.

10:45 pm
Jungkook rubbed his eyes as his sleep now broke, he was about to stretch his arms but suddenly he felt something heavy on his stomach.
He glanced at his stomach seeing a sleeping taehyung, snoring cutely as he hugged jungkook's chest with his large hands.
Jungkook wondered how he got on top of him but still smiled seeing the younger sleep sweetly.
He rubbed circles on the back of taehyung not even thinking of what he is doing but suddenly taehyung wiggled and got crawled upwards his hair tickling jungkook's neck. He laughed a little making the younger frown in his sleep.
He patted taehyung's back and said "wake up m- taehyung" and taehyung whined "ahhh~ 5 more minutes Jimnie" to which jungkook frowned a bit but shook it off "taehyung I am not jimin" and taehyung bolted up. "S-sorry mr.jeon"
"It's jungkook"
"Call me jungkook when we are not doing work"
"O-okay, j-jungkook" taehyung blushed a little.
Jungkook liked how his name rolled off the younger's tongue
He got up and fixed himself
"Ahhh~ I seemed to have the best sleep of my whole life" he said as he stretched
"By the way why were you on top of me?" He suddenly asked
"I-i.....Umm... I sleep walk" taehyung said awkwardly
"Anyways it's time let's go home now" jungkook said as he walked towards the door
He pulled the door but the door didn't open.
"Huh?" Jungkook said before he repeatedly pulled the door
"Umm.... taehyung we are stuck here. I think the watchman just locked us inside" jungkook scratched his neck as he said
Taehyung's eyes widened but not on the fact that he is stuck but on the fact that they are stuck. Together
Oh no!
What will happen now
I think I am gonna faint because of him!
Someone help me

To be continued
Guys smut coming up
Bitches be ready
Part two coming right up in a short while
I know this chapter is boring but bear it
Anyways vote and comment

my boss is my daddy|taekook|CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now