birthday present

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Note: Play the song throughout the chapter

It was a very special day for taehyung, it was his birthday. It wasn't like the other birthdays he had.

It was special, special because he had jungkook

He finally decided that he will make his birthday more special by proposing to jungkook.

The thought of it made him smile. He got up from his bed and flung open the curtains to see the thin sheet of snow covering the neighboring houses, birds chirping and soft yet cool breeze flowing.

He went straight to get ready, after coming he was welcomed downstairs by jin and jimin giving him a hug to which he responded with the same energy. Today he was happy because he got to eat jin's special pokemon pancakes that too with strawberry milk.

He quickly finished his breakfast and bid goodbye to jimin and jin.

He quickly finished his breakfast and bid goodbye to jimin and jin

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His birthday oufit (without the mask)

Taehyung flopped through the journey to the office building, being greeted by several people he knew. He quickly stopped in his tracks and rummaged something in his bag. He sighed and took the glass rabbit out and clunged onto it. He held onto it tightly and his mouth again formed a smile.

He kept giving small pecks to the bunny in his hand and petted it. He looked up and smiled widely when he saw the office building.

Everyone wished him with great joy and happiness. People loved taehyung because he was so kind and caring towards everyone. Everyone gave him gifts but he placed them all in his bag and kept the bunny out and held it in his arms protectively as if he will let it loose the rabbit might run away.

After giving thank yous he straightaway walked towards the cabin but was stopped in the middle of his tracks by namjoon.

"Namjoonie hyung!" he hugged namjoon

Namjoon smiled and ruffled the groomed hair of the boy to which taehyung giggled

"Happy birthday sweetie" namjoon said as he took out a gift from behind and gave it to taehyung

"Awwww" taehyung cooed and placed the gift in his bag which was already full because of the other gifts.

"Is jungkook inside?" taehyung asked namjoon

The smile was turned into a straight face when namjoon heard the question.

He simply nodded

Taehyung smiled and ran gently towards the cabin.

He reached the cabin and flung the glass door open

"Jungkook" he sang

His smile dropped, his throat dried. Eyes stuck on the two bodies.

Jungkook was kissing lisa, hands on her hips as she smiled in the kiss.

The glass rabbit dropped from his hand as it shattered and laid lifelessly on the floor as if it died. The presence of it no more, just glass. No feelings.
Taehyung's heart could be compared to the broken rabbit. Shattered.
His heart felt pain as if it was hit by a truck.
A lump formed in his throat as he hung his head low, scared as tears in his eyes were threatening to fall.
The loud crash of the glass made lisa and jungkook both look at the area from where the sound came.
Jungkook died. His heart crashed when he saw taehyung.
He gulped and stood up from the table. He went into his another world.
"Sorry to disturb you guys. A-anyways c-carry on" the shakiness in taehyung's voice got jungkook out of his world.

He hesitated to look up because guilt overtook him.
But still he looked up.Oh how much he wished he never looked up.

Taehyung's eyes glistening as he bit his lip to not let any tear fall.
Lisa just smirked and flicked her hair as she watched all the drama.
"A-anyways i'll b-be going" taehyung said in a cracky voice as he turned to leave.
"Wait!" jungkook shouted.

His voice
The thought of his voice made taehyung's tears fell freely
He shook his head as he ran from the cabin across the corridor.

He could hear fast footsteps behind him and knew jungkook was following him. He ran even faster, fat tears dropping behind him.
He was able to mislead jungkook as he got out of the building. He stopped in an alley way and panted tears still falling from his eyes, he didn't even care to wipe them.
Why me?
Can i never get happiness?
Jungkook even you?

I trusted you
Was i wrong?
I loved you

Was i wrong?
This is the best birthday present somebody has ever given to me.
Thanks for making my day special jungkook.

He sniffed as he bawled his eyes out. He hid his face in his hands as he bent and sat down.
The pain he felt when he saw jungkook kissing lisa was even bigger than the pain her mom gave him.

The pain his mom gave him was hurting him but the pain jungkook gave him was breaking him.

Lisa was right

No one can love a slut like me

Jungkook doesn't love me

Jungkook just used me

He wiped his tears as his cryings turned into sniffed. He got up and started walking.

"Time to go home" he said to himself as he just wanted somebody to hug him.

He just wanted a person who would really be there for him.
He wanted somebody to give him hot chocolate and listen to all his cries and pleas.

He wanted to spend time with someone who gives him time.

Though he wanted all these things to do with jungkook

But did jungkook ever want that?
Taehyung couldn't get over the fact that jungkook used him.

All those happy memories

Were they all fake?

All those laughs

Were they all act?

All that caring
Were they all drama?

Taehyung would be mad without jungkook

It was like as if a piece of his heart had been taken out

He felt empty. He felt lifeless
At the end of the day it's again taehyung who has been hurt.
Does anyone cares?
He wished he never loved jungkook
He wished he never met jungkook
Was cheating all he deserved?
Jungkook wasn't like this
Or did taehyung didn't know how jungkook really was?

He wanted to hate jungkook but in the end he can't
He can never hate jungkook
But this fact was hurting him
He felt stupid.
He stopped in his tracks

One year is going to be over

To be continued

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