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"who is it tae?" Jimin asked
"J-jungkook" taehyung said wide-eyed
"What?!" Jimin bolted up.
"I-it's from j-jungkook" taehyung fiddled with the letter to open it
He started reading it out loud.
" I am sorry taehyung, actually I didn't mean to hurt you and I am willing to do anything if you will kindly accept my apologies. And one more thing you cannot leave the company unless one year" the last sentence made him widen his eyes in anger and shock.
Like obviously who writes a threat in an apology letter.
Taehyung thought
His thoughts broke as he heard jimin's laugh as he patted the sofa loudly, tears rolling down his eyes.
"W-what?" Taehyung asked
"He- ahaha he did not write t-that right? Ahahah" jimin said between his laugh
Taehyung huffed in anger but not because jimin wad laughing he was angry on jungkook
He thought that jungkook tried to make fun of him by thinking taehyung's problem as a joke.
"I won't forgive him like this" taehyung crumpled the paper and threw it in the dustbin.
He sat beside jimin who was now gaining control on his laugh
"But atleast I can eat the chocolate cake right?" Taehyung said to himself
"No!" Jimin stopped him
"Why?" He asked
"What if.......What if he has put something in it? Like poison?" Jimin said
Taehyung sarcastingly gasped
"Really?!" He widened his eyes in a fake manner
Jimin nodded
"Ouch!" Jimin rubbed his head as he whined because taehyung hit him
"How can you be so dumb jimin"
"Jimin?" Taehyung stood up a devilish smirk plastered on his face
The aforementioned looked up
"You got no jams" taehyung said and ran away while the raging jimin ran after him to hit him
"Hahahaha jimin got no jams~" taehyung teased but then regretted saying it as he sae the older coming closer to him
"Take back what you said before I make you" jimin growled
Suddenly he pounced on taehyung as the former gasped
"Okay okay I take it back just don't hit me." Taehyung said in fear
Now jimin was the one to smirk as he got up from taehyung
They again went to the couch and sat there ready to eat the cake which taehyung had placed carefully before he unjammed jimin
He took a piece and put it inside his mouth, the devour taste filling his tongue as he closed his eyes in pleasure and munched the cake
"Ish sho ghood" taehyung said eating piece after piece
The atmosphere became serious as jimin looked at the eating figure with seriousness in his eyes.
"Taehyung?" Jimin asked in concern
The younger just nodded as he was too busy eating the cake
"Do you really wanna work there?" Jimin asked
Taehyung stopped eating and looked at jimin
He nodded slightly
"Even after you know he does these things?" Jimin raised an eyebrow
"I-it's not like if I have an o-option" taehyung laughed awkwardly
"Do you think you can lie to this bitch?" Jimin crossed his arms
Taehyung gulped but finally answered
"B-because i-i want to work there" taehyung said
"And why so?" Jimin said
"Ahh~ jimin eat this cake it is so tasty" taehyung shoved a piece of cake forcefully in jimin's mouth to make him shut
Taehyung blushed furiously
He knew the answer....
He knew why he wanted to work there.
Even if he knows it's not good for him
He sighed and went towards his room leaving a jimin hungrily eating the cake because it really was good
Taehyung plopped on the bed as he sighed
"Jungkook"he said the older's name as he blushed.
He rolled in his bed speaking jungkook's name repeatedly


"Hiccup" jungkook patted his chest as hiccups came one by one from his mouth
"Who's remembering me?" He sighed
Jungkook somehow had strange habits.
Hitting his assistants, working like mad etc.
And one of them were he used to speak names of people when he had hiccups.
And if the hiccups stopped, then that person is missing him
Weird right?
But that what's ceo jungkook is.
"Eomma.....Eomma.....Eomma *hiccup* not eomma"
"Appa.....Appa.....Ap-...*hiccup* not even appa"
"Yoongi...yoong- wait why would yoongi miss him"
Suddenly his phone rang
"Yoongi hyung?" He picked up
"I heard you say my name bitch. Better not fuck something. I won't come there plus I am asleep. Do my work too and don't even try to disturb me"
"Huh?" Jungkook's eyes widened as to how did yoongi even hear him
As on cue yoongi answered
"I can hear you because what do you think bitch?.......Yoongi is yoongi actually yoongi is god. So good night and don't fucking disturb me"
Jungkook cut the calls

my boss is my daddy|taekook|CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now