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" What to do now?" taehyung thought 
"If i have taken it this far, a small peck wouldn't mind" taehyung said to himself, scratching his neck.
"A-and it's n-not like if he will know a-about it" he said looking at the sleeping jungkook

He reached for jungkook's chair and turned it around slowly to get easier access to the other's lips. He gulped by looking at the other's lips

so soft....wait don't think anything just give a small peck for the video Taehyung thought.

He slowly moved towards the other, turned the video on and cupped his soft cheeks with one hand, he closed his eyes and placed his lips on the other's soft one. He was about to move but jungkook placed his hands on the other's neck and deepened the kiss while taehyung's eyes widened but he couldn't move away from the other. As a reflex, he moved his tongue too touching every place of the older's mouth, he dropped the phone with a  thud and grabbed his cheek with both his hand. The kiss was about to become a hot session until taehyung found the courage to move away. He pushed himself away from the other who was also surprised by his own actions


Both their hearts were beating in the same pace. Taehyung patted his chest to calm himself.He could not deny that the kiss was good but how was he supposed to face the other?. He looked at the other who was flustered too. He wiped his lips and tried to speak. "I-i am sorry,sir.It was actually....umm... nevermind sir" taehyung said "i wanna go early sir" he said and before asking for permission ran out of the building.
Jungkook who was too surprised to hear whatever taehyung said touched his wet lips. He kinda liked the feeling
What the fuck did i just do?!

I just kissed him!
ahhh.....calm down jungkook
Did i really pulled him?!
aishh...... did he not like it?
but he was he one who kissed me first

What shall i do?

"what?! it's not l-like that i liked it b-because i pulled him. I can never and have never liked any assistant!" Jungkook scoffed and said to himself. Although he knew that it was a lie, he couldn't agree more that he liked it. To be honest, he wanted more, he knew it but he would deny it.


Taehyung ran and ran until he could see his house. His heart was beating fats but not because he ran so much, but because his boss or you could say his crush, which he has been kept on denying.

Taehyung again patted his chest. "what the fuck taehyung!, how can you be so childish. Stupid taehyung, stupid taehyung!" taehyung mumbled again and again slapping himself. He finally went inside his house and saw jimin seeing tv. 
It wasn't that jimin didn't work, but he had to work less because his co worker always worked for him as he was a workaholic. So jimin almost stayed home all the time.
Taehyung ran to the other and hugged him tightly as the other squealed because of the surprise hug.

"Yah! pabo! leave me! what happened?!" jimin shrieked
Taehyung sighed and finally left the bone crushing hug and then sat beside jimin

"okay bub now tell what happened" jimin asked
taehyung blushed as he recalled the scenes

"i-i....i-i" he tried to find words but couldn't
"Speak or i'll shove a poll inside your ass and you'll regret not telling your soulmate" jimin said as he raised his eyebrows
taehyung widened his eyebrows as the elder said that. "I KISSED MY BOSS!" he yelled

Jimin's eyes widened before he squealed
"eekssss....." he clasped both his hands and smiled widely at taehyung
Taehyung glared at the elder as the elder's smile settled and he cleared his throat to speak
"WHAT THE FUCK TAEHYUNG!" he yelled as he slapped the other's forehead
Taehyung groaned in pain. Then he told everything to jimin that why he did so.
"ohh so you were jealous huh?!" jimin wiggled his eyebrows
It was taehyung's turn to hit him on the head
"ouch...."jimin whined
"what shall i do jiminie? I am so confused" taehyung grabbed his hair in frustration
"If he kissed you back that means....." jimin got lost in his own thoughts.
"I won't go until i am ready to face him back again" taehyung stated which got jimin back to earth
"Are you sure 'bout that bub?" jimin asked in a worried tone to which taehyung nodded
"but--" jimin sighed finally giving up as he wanted the younger to feel comfortable before going back to work

"Anyways what would you like eat to distract your mind" jimin asked and taehyung's eyes lit up as he heard the word 'eat'

Jimin was not surprised because of the action as he already knew how much the younger loves food

"ICECREAMMMMM!!!!! THAT TOO BELGIAN CHOCOLATE!!!!" taehyung screamed on top of his lungs although jimin was just beside him. Jimin slapped the other's head while holding his ears as the other giggled

"icecream at your service, madame" jimin said getting up and bowing
"Yah! i am not madame" taehyung pouted
"yes you are" jimin said and went to pick the ice cream from a nearby grocery store

A day or two away from you is all i need....... although i know i still want and miss that kiss

Taehyung blushed as he thought about the older's lips

a few minutes later jimin came and then they both sat and binge watched netflix all the evening

Meanwhile jungkook couldn't help but think about the other, he tuched his lips everytime he remembered the kiss but slapped himself for remembering the kiss
He groaned as he felt the thoughts of the kiss filling him
He threw a pen towards the wall saying "go away" to the thoughts but that was of no use
He spotted his phone lying on the floor, he picked it up and opened it. The messages shown in his face, he smirked as he read them. Thinking of how cute the younger would have looked when he would be jealous.
He then spotted their own photos and blushed furiously as his heart pace began to fasten. He huffed and closed his phone then patted the cheek to let the blush go away but it wouldn't even budge
"what are you? who are you? what are you doing to me" he said to himself.
He tried to work so he could distract himself.
He finally sighed as he finished his work and left for his home.

"Ahh take me there" he said to the driver as he nodded
They drove and drove as jungkook told the driver the directions.

"stop right there" he pointed and the car came to a halt
He looked at the blue colored house whose lights were still on. He blushed then frowned and again patted his now warm cheek

"Let's go" he said and took  a last glance before going.


Jungkook frowned and huffed angrily, it has been two days since the younger didn't show up. 
To be true, jungkook felt a little lonely, if the younger would have been here his time would have passed quickly by taking glances at him or troubling him but it looked like years to him as the other did not show yesterday and not even today

"I know you liked the kiss taehyung" Jungkook said to himself as his voice was dripping anger

"But if you're not gonna show up, i have my own ways to treat you" he smirked evilly
"Just come and you'll see" he laughed devilishly.

To be continued
Helloo boragays 
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