just a day

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How would you feel if you fucked your crush and that too your assistant?
What if your assistant says it's all a mistake?
What if he didn't like it?
Was it wrong to do that?
These all kinds of thoughts were going inside jungkook's mind
While the other was sleeping sound fully jungkook just stared at him. Body wrapped in the blanket but collarbones showing, mouth agape while soft snores left from his mouth
Jungkook laughed at him
Even if he regrets it
I won't
He smiled as he stared at taehyung. Taehyung wiggled in his area and that meant he was about to wake up
"Good morning, baby" jungkook said to the other as he looked at him, his elbow resting on the bed while his palm supported his head
Taehyung, just smiled at him
"Good morning" he said in a raspy voice
"How long have you been looking at me?" Taehyung asked the other as if it was a regular thing he sees
"Long enough for you to know that you look so cute when you sleep" jungkook said still looking at the other.
While the other blushed vigorously
"Yah! D-don't just throw c-compliments at me like that!" He stuttered as he blushed
"What? I know you like it" jungkook smirked
"S-s-so what" taehyung was blushing red.
Jungkook just got up and hugged the other's back and the other leaned in his touch
Jungkook wouldn't have even thought that he would have sex with one of his secretary the heck he didn't even think he would kiss one. But look at him
He is totally addicted to taehyung, like a man who is addicted to his drugs.
It was true
Taehyung was jungkook's drug.
"Let me go i wanna take bath~" taehyung whined.
Jungkook has been holding taehyung for half an hour.
"But why do you wanna go. Stay in my arms~" jungkook said as he pouted
Taehyung would have cooed if he wasn't gonna have a bath
"Please jungkook let me go take a bath" taehyung wiggled to get out of jungkook's grip but unfortunately jungkook tightened the hug
"Fine... I'll let you go if you give me my morning kiss" jungkook said his voice coming out as a muffle because he was nuzzling in taehyung's neck. His breath tickling taehyung's nape
"H-hey it's tickling" taehyung said as he giggled
Jungkook nuzzled more
"Give me my kiss first" jungkook said. He was acting like a kid who wants his toy by any means
"Fine" taehyung sighed
"Let me go first" jungkook smiled and let taehyung go.
Taehyung turned and was inches away from giving jungkook a kiss. Jungkook closed his eyes and readied his lips to be kissed.
"You have morning breath....bye!" Taehyung exclaimed and ran inside the bathroom
"Taehyung come back and give me my kiss!" Jungkook yelled
Taehyung just giggled.
Jungkook pouted
"You don't love me" he yelled
"No, i do but just get rid of your morning breath" taehyung laughed


Taehyung came out of the bathroom.
As he came outside jungkook pounced on him meaning taehyunh shriek.
"W-what are you d-doing" taehyung stuttered as he eyed jungkook who was on top of him as he got pinned to the bed
"You didn't give me my kiss now you face the juancock" jungkook smirked
Taehyung widened his eyes.
Taehyung was only wearing a bathrobe. Because he was pinned his legs could be seen from the cut off the robe.
Jungkook stared at his legs. He then moved his fingers warily on the other's legs as taehyung bit a moan.
"I am addicted to your legs" jungkook said as he bent down to suck the other's thigh
"Ngh~" taehyung released his moan.
"J-jungkook y-your ph-phone is ringing" taehyung said as he pushed off the other from him. He ain't having sex just after having a bath, even if he wanted the worst of it because of jungkook's tongue skills but he was too lazy to have a bath again.
Jungkook groaned and picked up the phone
He thought
And picked up the phone
Hey jungkook
"Yes namjoon hyung"
How is the meetings going?
"Ohh about the meeting it was finished early. Lee kong joo signed the contract pretty fast"
Wow that's good. You can come back now
"But we still have three days left"
So what do you wanna do? We even have cleared your schedule for five days. You have nothing to do here so just have a vacation there for three days
Jungkook smirked
He ended the call.
"Now where were we―" he smirked as he turned but to his surprise he was pulled in a kiss.
What happened before?

Jungkook picked the call as taehyung stared at him. His shoulders so muscular and as he put the phone near his ear his biceps were on full display.
Taehyung just got hard by looking at him
Well fuck it!
He thought and went towards jungkook who just in time ended the call
"Now where were we―" he was cut off when taehyung pulled him in the kiss.


Here they are sucking each other's face as jungkook picked taehyung and taehyung wrapped his legs around jungkook.
Jungkook bit taehyung's bottom lip asking for entrance to which taehyung denied just to tease jungkook. Jungkook groaned and spanked the other as the gasped jungkook took his chance to enter his hot cavern
He sucked the other's tongue and 'pop' and 'chu' sounds could be heard.
Jungkook carefully placed both of them on the bed and taehyung's legs didn't leave jungkook's waist.
Jungkook humped taehyung his sweatpants tightening over his erect member. Taehyung moaned and took the responsibility to move over jungkook's shaft.
Jungkook grunted and moaned as he pulled the younger into another kiss. He sucked his bottom lip and licked his lips which made taehyung giggle
Jungkook suddenly broke apart.
"Fuck! I love that giggle" he said as the younger blushed. Taehyung again pulled jungkook near him their chest colliding
"No t-talk only t-touch" he said blushing
Jungkook smirked and fiddled with the younger's bathrobe trying to open it―

"Oh i am sorry"
The door burst open.

To be continued
Short chapter i know but i love it
Who do you think it is?
Next chapter in a while

my boss is my daddy|taekook|CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now