business trip

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"We have to go to a business trip tomorrow"

A few minutes ago
"Hey have to go to a business trip tomorrow"
"Because it had to be my business trip but i have to go somewhere else for a meeting so i can't and yoongi's busy too so you have to go"
"Why is it always me that has to go" jungkook trailed out as he spoke to namjoon
"Because you are the only one free dumbass"
"Ohh okay i get it"
"Hit me up with the details"
"So you have a five day meeting with lee kong joo, the ceo of the daebok company. We have made the deal with him of 57392901 won ( a/n:sorry i had to use some shitty digits. Hope these are something like $100k atleast...but idc who gives a fuck anyways) so you have to sign a contract with him and then there are a few meetings and a day free for you to explore the city"
" where is the business trip?"
"It's in deokjeokdo"
"What the heck?! Who keeps a business meeting on an island?"
"Umm...i guess lee kong joo?"
"But...i mean what is this? Are we on a vacation or what?"
"Be it so"
"Ughh....fine I'll go it's not like i have any option"
"Thanks bud"
"But what?"
"But you have to bribe me"
"With what?"
Jungkook smirked
"I want two tickets for the business trip"
"And why so?"
"That's for me to know"
"Okay see ya later"

"What do you mean by we?!" Taehyung asked startled
"By we i mean you and me?"
"And why me?"
"Because you are my assistant....duh" jungkook lied through his sexy mouth. To be honest, he wanted to spend time with taehyung out of the office where they could only steal a little glances, where jungkook goes the other way from the front gate and taehyung the other. He wanted to do something more than sparing glances. He wanted something extraordinary

"What is the business trip for?"
"It's actually a meeting with lee kong joo"
"What the heck?!"
"Language taehyung" jungkook groaned
"I mean is it lee kong joo the CEO of daebok company?!" Taehyung yelled
Jungkook nodded with a frown and that nod made taehyung jump in the air clutching a file and twirling like a ballerina dancer.
Jungkook didn't like the reaction of the younger.
He was jealous and he had gladly accepted that fact.
"How do you know him?" He finally asked when he was waaay over with taehyung singing like a fangirl
"Who doesn't?"
"He is the most handsome man in the world!" Taehyung cheered
After me right?
Jungkook thought
"Yeah so what we aren't going there to admire his beauty we are going as professionals"
"Hmph....rude ass" taehyung clicked his tongue
"Language taehyung" jungkook rubbed his forehead
Taehyung just flicked his hair sassily and sat down on his table
"And yeah we are going there for five days"
Taehyung's eyes widened to that
"Why are you telling me this now?!!" He yelled and got up from his table
"W-why i mean w-what do you mean?" He panicked as he saw tears forming in taehyung's eyes
"Why didn't you tell me before?" Taehyung paused
"I HAVE TO PACK MY BAGS STUPID!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs making the employees jump out of their desks
"Quiet" jungkook closed his ears with his hands because he feared they might burst
" I have to go home i wanna pack my bags" taehyung said as he rushed here and there like a panicked gay
"Fine i think we'll both go. First to your home then mine because i have to pack mine too" jungkook said
"Okay but take me fast before i faint here thinking that i haven't packed yet" taehyung dramatically placed the back of his hand on his forehead.
Jungkook wanted to laugh at the other's childishness but he didn't dare to.
They packed their suitcases amd went down to go to taehyung's home. They sat inside jungkook's car.
"Jungkook where are we going?"
"For the business trip?"
"Woah... That's a pretty place" taehyung beamed up

 That's a pretty place" taehyung beamed up

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my boss is my daddy|taekook|CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now