chef a la taehyung

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Taehyung woke up first and found himself blushing at the sight of jungkook's chest. He tried to get up but then he felt something heavy on his waist, he side eyed to see jungkook's large muscular hands wrapped around his tiny waist. He widened his eyes but then silently and gently got out of their tight yet comfortable grip.
He sighed then went to the restroom. After freshening up he came back to see jungkook still sleeping
No one can say he is a hardworking ass boss when he sleeps
Aishh....this guy
He giggled as he thought
He looked at the wall clock
6:30 am
Wow, he got up pretty early
They have to leave for deokjeokdo at 9:00 am
He sighed. He wanted to sleep more but his sleep went away so he decided to make breakfast for jungkook and him as he wanted to thank the older for making him dinner yesterday. Although he was half asleep he could still taste the amazing flavours of kimchi and his favorite strawberry milkshake which was made even better than those cafe he goes to.
He put on some slippers and went downstairs. He asked one of the maid to tell him where the kitchen is. Although the maid was a bit hesistant because jungkook didn't like people going inside his kitchen but seeing how jungkook had exceptions for taehyung she took him to the kitchen
He wowed at the huge kitchen.
He decided to make some bacon and omellete plus two berry smoothie.
He started grabbing berries for the smoothie from the refrigerator and he pitter pattered a lot and that made the maid very scared as she bit her nails
He broke the egg into the pan and as he is 'expert' at cooking some bits of the shell were still inside the egg. He put on some music in his phone and grabbed his headphones. When the 2nd song came up he smelt something burn so he quickly switched off the gas and saw the burnt eggs. His eyes widened and he shrieked
"Perfect~" he looked contended with his masterpiece.
He then made berry smoothie in which he added a 'little' salt instead of sugar.
Then he made 'burnt bacons' and decorated the plate.
He was so happy he learnt 'cooking' after he saw jin hyung's cooking. Though there was a 'difference' between jin's 'cooking' and taehyung's 'cooking' but the former couldn't care any more as he was so innocent and cute.
He chirpingly went towards jungkook's room and opened the door.
"Jungkook~" he sang
"Wakey wakey~" he placed the plate on the breakfast table
"I got something for you" he went towardd jungkook and poked his cheeks
Jungkook growled and whined but taehyung was too happy to react to it. As it was his first time cooking for someone and he was happy that that someone was jungkook.
But jungkook didn't know it was his last day today. (A/n: amen jungkook. Rest in 'piece' juancock. We will miss you)
Finally after a lot of pokes jungkook agreed to wake up
"What taehyung?" He said in a deep voice. It could have affected taehyung but he was busy looking at his masterpiece
"I made you breakfast~" he sang like an opera singer and placed the tray infront of jungkook.
Jungkook gulped at the 'delicious' sight as he was having second thoughts.
He looked at taehyung and saw his happy and smiley face. He could die to always keep this smile on his face. So now he had no choice but to die today.
"Taehyung are you s-sure you w-want me to e-eat it?" Jungkook asked wondering if the other would save his life. But to his unluckiness taehyung nodded rapidly
He gulped as he poked the 'soft and beautiful' bacon which was enough to break a building.
He slowly took it inside his mouth. Taste of vomit could be felt inside his mouth but he looked at the shining eyes of taehyung waiting for his response.
"Mmmmmm......sho good taehyung" he smiled forcefully
Taehyung gasped "really?!" To which jungkook nodded as tears formed in his eyes.
"T-taste the omelette!" Taehyung said with his boxy smile
Jungkook's heart would have thumped if his death wasn't infront of him.
His internal body wanted to give up but taehyung's eyes and smile kept him holding
These are the only thing that can make me do anything
He sighed and took the omelette inside his mouth. There wasn't any taste of egg but it tasted like pepper. As he chew he felt like he was chewing a tyre
He wanted to cry. He wanted to vomit but alas he ate everything while he looked at taehyung's face who kept him holding back.
As he forcefully finished the 'delicious' breakfast. He complemented
"Wow taehyung this is the best i could have ever eaten" he smiled
"Really?! Then I'll make you lunch everyday"
"N-no taehyung. I don't want you to waste your talent on me. L-let's just leave it to there huh?" He said hopefully that taehyung would admit
Taehyung pouted but anyways said okay. He took the tray and went down. Showing off to the maids that how much jungkook liked his breakfast better than their's.
Jungkook curled up in a ball as he was facing a great pain in his stomach. Suddenly he felt the taste of pepper again in his throat and rushed towards the bathroom.
He vomitted the taste going away with the horrifying liquid and then he flushed the toilet and came out. His stomach paining less and he felt lightly.
He took an oath today.
From now on he will never let taehung cook anything.
But today he had one task. To fire the maid who ket taehyung in his kitchen. Not that it mattered to him that he went. But because she let him cook even when she knew what disaster he wad cooking.
But what could the maid do as jungkook got caught in his gleaming eyes the maid did too. And now she didn't even regret letting taehyung go inside.
She could get fired to see such an unique boxy smile. More beautiful than a celebrity's.
Jungkook went inside the bathroom again and he smelled the vomit so he took his room freshner and till he was satisfied the bottle got emptied. He sighed
He will never ever let taehyung cook otherwise taehyung would be the death of jungkook though he already is but jungkook didn't want to die with a stomach pain and he didn't want to embarrass himself when people would find him vomitting out of his coffin.
It was time to get ready to go to deokjeokdo.
And eat some good food.

To be continued
I don't even know why i wrote this chapter but i laughed so bad at this.
Let's pray for jungkook's stomach together.
Next chapter would be nice i swear.
Don't loose your hope smut is almost on the way.
You'll be fed well (lmao this suits on the chapter)
😂😂😂😂😂 (I had to)

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