What's going on?!

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Levy's POV

"You are all in danger." 

"What?" Mira practically yelled. 

"Shush child. I was informed by Levy that mating season is starting. Thanks to this, the dragon slayers are going to be  strange."  Gramps sighed

"Why does this affect me?" Lucy cut in, clearly not understanding the a certain salmon haired slayer has the hots for her. 

"That's simple, you are Natsu's mate." I snickered. 

"Uh, no. I am not his mate, Lis is." Lucy said, with a small frown on her face. 

"No I'm not!" Lis yelled. I don't even know when she got into this room. 


"You are lucy, it's kinda, no not kinda, it is obvious. And anyway, I like Bick- um no one." She blushed at least 50 shades of red and ran out the room. We all hear Bickslow ask whats wrong with her just yelling even more saying NONONONO! 

"Anyway, back to what I was saying, Dragon mating season will begin and we need to prepare. Levy would you say what the stages are." Gramps said.

"Okay! So there are 3-5 stages, I think. 1- clinginess, 2-boldness/protectivness, like not caring about what other people think, 3-personality change, meaning their nice will become terrifiying. 4- wanting to mark you, if they haven't already, it will become their soul desire. 5-, well mating. There are, I think like 1-2 more stages, but the book pages were messed up so I couldn't read them. Welp, that's it." I clap my hands together and look back at master. 

"Just like what Levy just said, it will be extremely dangerous, so we need to lock up the slayers and get you kids out of here. Erza will also tag along for protection. Oh, and Romeo, you don't need to escape. since you and Wendy are too young to mate, you just need to mark her."

"Wait! Me?!" Romeo steps back, blushing like a mad man. 

"Yes you. Now go! Pack you're things and don't let the boys know. You're to meet at the train station in an hour." Master orders and we all take our leave.

Lucy's POV-

_____at my house______

I ran to my house, ignoring the yells Natsu yelled at me. I grabbed my backpack and shoved my clothes into it. I checked the clock. Great. That only took me like 5 minutes, I guess I'll take a bath and get into clean clothes. 

-________After bath________________

I changed into some short shorts and a white crop top. I grabbed my keys and put my boots on. I wore knee high boots and threw on a jacket. Luckily I still have 15 minutes to get to the station, so I head out and grab some snacks at a nearby store. Once I got to the stationg I was 5 minutes early, I thought I would be like the first or second person here but I wasn't Everyone was here, well except for Erza, who probably was looking at some cute keychain in a store. 

"Hey Lu-chan!" Levy cheered! She seems relaxed, that's a good sign. 

"Hey! How'd everything go at the guild?" I really hope they got the boys in the cell fast enough. 

"All good! Natsu kept complaining asking why he needed to go into the cell. He kept saying he wanted to go find you." She smiled and then winked at me. At first I was blushing, but I felt this pain in my heart, poor Natsu. 

"Is everyone ready to go?" Came the booming voice that belonged to Erza. We all nodded and got onto the train. None of us could relax though, we all just sat there. Something was off, and not just about us being mates, it just felt weird. Like we had to run, like we can't escape no matter how far we go. Erza said we are going to a secluded place only the master and her know about, but I don't think we are safe.

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