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Natsu's POV-
I approached Luce as she backed away. My heart broke every time she flinched. I don't know what I look like as of now, but I can't have Luce being scared of me!
"Luce" She seemed to calm down, I smiled. But the moment after I did she was immediately tense again. My heart sank, The thought of her not being mine repeating its self in my head. Luce. Luce. Luce.
Mine. Mine. My Luce.
I looked up and noticed she was running away, I followed. Every step I took she stepped back. I noticed emptiness around her, I approached her. I don't have a good feeling in my stomach. She stepped back and tripped.. I was about to catch her, her body is too beat up to take another fall. I grabbed her arm where it was supposed to be, but it wasn't there. I panicked, she was just here where is she?! I turned right and left, but I couldn't see her. I to my knees as  I looked down. She fell. No! No! No no no no no! I stared into my hands, the scale coated ones. They were supposed to save her not lose her. I blinked, my eyes became fuzzy, My head filled with one thing and one thing only... LUCE. I will get you and I will hold you and I will keep you for ever, and nothing will hurt you nothing. I started to scream, my body changing to what can protect her. 

Don't worry Luce, I am coming.

Juvia's POV

I woke up in a cell?! Why am I here? Wait! I remember, Gray- sama Captured me. He hee hee, wait no! This is bad very bad! I wonder what he'll do to me? I mean, he's Gray-sama, no matter what he won't hurt me! Juvia hopes he won't... I wiggle at the thought. I look up to see Gray-sama!! He was smiling until he noticed I saw him, then it turned into some weird look. I was suddenly very self conscious as I looked down to see I was in skin tight soaking wet clothes. I brought my knees to my chest to cover my body, this is so embarrassing!!! I suddenly felt a cool hand on my knee, Gray-sama pulled my knees down (so my legs were straight!) and smiled at me.
"Don't be embarrassed Juvi~ I'll go get you some clean clothes, ok?"
"...ok..." I look down as he leaves the room. Juvia has never been this nervous around Gray-sama. What should I do?!

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