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Natsu's POV

🍋 Lemon 🍋

I smile as I hear Luce moan, she's so cute. I look at the spot I just bit, perfect. She's mine now and mine forever. Finally... it was a star with a flame wrapping around it. What was unusual, Igneel told me about all this mating season stuff, was that there was a crown above the mark. Probably because she's a queen, my queen. I kissed her on the mark once more before lowering my kisses down to her chest. I quickly remove her bra and am stunned. Bruh. I knew she had big boobs but wow. He he he~ and now, just like the rest of her they're mine!! I shove my face into them and hug Luce. I hear a slight squeak which is adorable. I kiss on her nipple before sucking it, receiving a moan from Luce.

Lucy's POV

I moan as Natsu sucks my nipple. I'm so Embarrassed, Natsu  is very important to me, but I'm so so embarrassed. He grabs my breast and squeezes it as he sucks on my right nipple. After a few seconds, he switches, giving the same attention to my left. This whole time I'm blushing and moaning. He starts to kiss down my stomach, sending shivers up my spine. Natsu, geez why must you be so good. I'm not saying anything, but has he done this before? I've saved my virginity for a special moment, this one I guess. I would assume he hasn't done it, since he's so dense and idiotic but what if he has?!! That would be even more embarrassing for me, him having done it and me not I'll be the total noob. Oof. I get shocked out of my thoughts we Natsu presses his lips onto mine. I press back and I ask for entrance into his mouth. He complies which is a bit weird but I take the chance and explore all his corners. His small fangs were cute, I don't know why he has them but I play with them before he breaks the kiss. I look at him and notice his eyes are redder, me being nervous flinch. He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"Don't worry Luce, it's just part of the whole thing." I smile at him as he starts to lower himself so he's eye level with my part. I blush as he burns my underwear away. I squeeze my eyes shut but suddenly I feel his tongue in me. I shiver as he licks around. His cold tongue is weird feeling down there.

Natsu's POV
I lick her and she tastes so good. Almost as good as she smells. I lick around before removing my tongue and replacing it with my finger. I glance at her to see if she's ready for my finger. She looks fine to me...  I insert one finger and fiddle it around, receiving a moan here and there from Luce. After a couple seconds I enter my second then third finger. I fiddle them around, stretching her out for me. Luce was moaning and all it did was get me even more turned on. After I stretched her out, I look over at her, giving her the you ready look. She looked at me and smiled. I burn my boxers off because I don't even want to bother taking them off. I hear Luce gasp a bit. Haha. I am proud of my size. I adjust so my tip is right at the entrance, slowly entering. She squeaked and squeezers her thighs together, around my hips. I, being amazing at everything, lean over and kiss her as I enter completely. After kissing her she nods and I slowly thrust. I speed up a bit by bit.
"...faster.." I smirk as I speed up and hit her spot, she moaned loudly and I kept thrusting. We breathed and we climaxed together. I removed form her and smiled as I hugged her.

"That was...really good." She blushes.
"That's good, it was my first time." I pet her hair. She looked at me shocked. I laugh and pull her into my chest. She buries herself and gently falls asleep. I kiss her forehead before falling asleep as well.
"Good night Luce. I love you." I pull her closer.

I tried. I am still getting embarrassed writing this. Hopefully it was decent. Finally NALU! 🥰🤗

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