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Natsu's POV-
I smile at Wendy, the moment after I sprinted following Luce's sent, the other slayers doing the same. I forgot about everything else, Luce I will get you, I will make you mine. You are mine. I ran full sprint, I'm faster than the rest of the slayers so I ended up needing to slow down, idiots, Laxus apparently thinks that we all need to stay together, that is, until we see our mates. I know that Laxus will forget about us staying together at the moment he sees Mira. All of us would forget about everything when we see them. I don't care though, because Luce's mine. That's all that matters.

"Alright! Split up! I smell Mira."Laxus yell's as he sprints faster. I grin as I get a load of Luce's scent. I forget, once again about anything else. All our eyes turn red and we run even faster gaining up on them by the second.
"Luce. I'm coming." I sneer

Lucy's POV-
I shivered, something felt off. Natsu. I stopped what I was doing, dropping my bag. Mira looked over at me confused.
"Lucy? What's wrong? Are you scared that he's coming? I know what you're  feeling,if that's it." Mora sighed and walked over to me and hugged me.
"I just feel that he's coming. I mean-I know he's coming, but I'm still scared. I'm scared it won't be Natsu, but some strange beast in Natsu's body." I picked up my bag as we headed to the secret exit.
" I feel the same, I'm scared that Laxus won't be the one I love, but someone else. Let's hope that's not the truth." Mira sighed as we picked up our pace.
"Lucy-Sama!" Yukino yelled when we reached the intersection.
"What is it? Is everything okay?!"
"The boom from earlier! It wasn't Natsu-Sama, but someone by the name of Aki!" Yukino shivered, knowing there was yet another danger.
Crap! I totally forgot about the fact that Aki escaped! What if he attacks the guild?! What if we can't help everyone. This is soooo not good.
"Wait! If the boom was near here, that means he's heading toward the guild!"
Everyone sweat dropped.
"No. Lucy, I believe he found out we are here. He probably wants to take us out before hitting up the guild. Another reason to keep moving" Erza states as she rushes us to continue walking. We all ran to catch up, all of us with terrified looks on your faces. I don't think this is going to be the relaxing week I thought it was
going to be.
"Hey, Yukino?"
"Yes? Lucy-sama?"
"How did you find out that it wasn't Natsu who caused the boom?"
"Natsu-sama and Sting-sama are very alike in temper. I could tell that Natsu-sama wouldn't be idiotic enough, with any of the slayers letting him, to create such a noise. So I thought about it and used a spirit to look. There was Aki." Yukino explained.
" that was really smart. I'm glad you came with us, even though you kind of had to. Ha ha ha." I laughed and looked away embarrassed for being dumb. Oof.
"Thank you! But for now, let us all run faster, Lucy-sama." Yukino said as we all picked up our speed into a full out sprint. It may not seem like it, but we are all terrified for what is to come, even Erza.

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