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Lucy's POV
I ran as fast as I could, well, as fast as I could quietly which wasn't as fast. Whatever. I feel bad, if that was Natsu, I completely abandoned him. I mean he is super strong so hopefully he's OK because no matter what he's my best friend. Maybe more.

I ran straight for the river, it might be cliché but water puts out fire, right? I dived in, the cold water surrounding me. It relaxed me just a bit, but I'll never be completely relaxed until I find out Natsu is him , his old happy cheery self. I swim around a bit before climbing out and continuing on running. I looked up and saw Gray! What's he doing? Is that-is that Juvia?! I rub my eyes and they're gone. Maybe it was my imagination, oh please mavis it be. She is strong, Juvia, But she's on controllably obsessed with gray, meaning she'll probably do anything for him. Let's hope she cares about her safety. Just wants I hope she thinks about yourself and not him, even though I kind of get where she's going, how she can only care about him I understand. I hear a rustle and snap my head towards the sound, after not seeing anything I decide it's better to leave. I continue on running toward the direction that I saw, I think I saw Gray.

I bent down panting, I have at least been running for, I don't know, an hour by now since I split with Juvia. I crawl under a trees protection. It's probably one in the morning now, my whole body is completely exhausted and hungry. I curl up in a ball And hide my face. I thought that this thing only Lasted a week to a month, but I don't think it will be. Even if everything happens, Natsu gets me, I'm not letting in. I may love him, but I love him not whatever he is right now. I think. I don't know anymore!?! Ughhhhh. This END guy doesn't seem like Natsu.
I start to cry when I hear a crunch. My head snaps up, sending some tears flying. I look at what's in front of me, a creature. Blood red eyes, huge canines showing themselves through the lips. Scales coating his cheek bones and arms, those  biceps~.
He smirks, but not his usual happy one. A terrifying one full of lust and greed. I shiver as I scoot back, my back hitting the tree. He takes a step closer as I flinch.
"Luce..." I open my eyes after hearing that familiar nickname, and I see him under all of that terrifying cover, I see Natsu. This probably all sounds really cheesy but, my heart aches as I look at him. Those eyes that seem like they're terrifying, full of pain and gentleness. I smile a bit. "Luce~" just then they revert back to a menacing look. I scream and run tripping and standing, running and turning. Anything to get me away. Away from whatever has taken over his body. I run and run not looking where I'm going, I trip. And fall. I struggle up, limp. I crawl before standing and running. I turn around to see Natsu standing there, slowly closing in. He takes a step forward, I take a step back. Over and over until I take one to many steps. I slip and fall, but not to the ground I keep falling. Farther down, off the cliff that was apparently there. I squeeze my eyes shut. What now?

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