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Yukino's POV-
I was running with Juvia-Sama and Levy-Sama when we heard rustling, of course we started running faster. I pulled out Libra's key just in case. It looked like both Juvia-Sama and levy- Sama prepares to fight as well. I turned my head and ran into Juvia-Sama.
"Sorry Juvia-Sama!" I bowed.
I looked up to see Sting-Sama!!!! Oh no! I look around quickly and see that Juvia-Sama and Levy-Sama have launched attacks. It didn't do anything so I kick him where it hurts and ran. I'm sorry Sting-Sama. I glance back to see him doubled outer in pain. Sorry. I caught up with Levy-Sama and Juvia-Sama, both started running when they saw me kicking Sting-Sama, and we took a left. Hoping that some turns might mix up our trail. "Lucy-Sama!!!" I yell as I see them in the distance. I go silent the moment after, Sting was standing right behind her and he had a terrifying smirk on his face. There wasn't enough time to scream, I just pushed him as hard as I could. I can't have him hurt Lucy-Sama.
"Yukino!" Lucy-Sama yells as I look up to see a grin on his face. He picks me up and next thing I knew, everything was black.

Sting's POV-

I doubled over in pain. Yukino!!!! Why? That HURT! You are going to pay~ I smirk. This will be fun. I sniff the air and smell her, but then I smell Lucy. Smirking I head towards Lucy. If I find her~ I'm set.
Just as I thought, when I found Lucy, Yukino was approaching. She noticed me. Damn! If she sees me shes probably going to run away!
She screams and I was pushed! I didn't expect that~ nows my chance! I grab her and she falls unconscious. You're mine now~.

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