The Hunt

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Lucy's POV
We run off (really Juvia carrying me) to a cave. Luckily, since she's a water mage, she could feel that there was a hollow area behind the waterfall. It is really small, but we fit. I guess it's better than us running all night.
"They shouldn't be able to smell us with the water. Juvia will keep an eye out, you must rest love-rival. With that foot and all."
"Thanks Juvia." I smile as sleep pulls me into darkness.

My eyes snap open, a giant roar in the distance. Natsu. It's early morning, I look over and see that Juvia is asleep. Terrified, I shake her and she instantly knows what's wrong. Either it's instinct or she can read my face. Picking me up, because she insists I'm not okay, even though I am pretty sure I am, she places me on a water bed and we glide through a narrow tunnel that she made over the night. Every second that we move, I feel this pain. It feels like I'm going to regret everything up till now.
Great, now I'm hallucinating, in my mind. But it feels as if that wasn't me, but Natsu. Warning me he's coming. Welp lets hope that's not the case. Ha ha ha...

Laxus, Sting, Gajeel, Rouge's POV-
"It's started. They are going insane..."

Natsu's POV
Luce. Luce.....
Where are they?! Gray and I have been looking since this morning, and it's almost night! I grunt as I walk back to where Gray and I are meeting. All the others got their mates, why can't Luce be a good girl and come out~.
"Luce, where are you......" I pout. Why can't she come out, I love her. She needs to know this. I smirk, I will make her know this~.

It's morning and all I can think about is Luce. I wonder what she's doing? Suddenly I feel this urge in my chest, a desire stronger than before, to make Luce mine. I can feel myself heat up, my body strengthening.
That had to of reached her, cause now I'm going to get you. I snap my head to see a guy, Gray. Growling we back from each other and part ways. Luce~ my body moves for one thing and one thing only, Lucy.

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