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No one's POV-
Juvia ran as fast as rain falls from the sky, she called the rain, asking it for guidance. "Hopefully Juvia makes it to Erza in time for her to help Love-rival." She whispered under her breath as she took a left. She glanced down to check if the ground wasn't full of roots she could trip on, however, that was the least of her worries, for she collided with Gray. She glanced up, hope and fear written on her face. When she noticed it was Gray, that all changed to confusion.

Juvias POV-
I glanced up to see Gray-sama. Why would he be here?
"Gray-sama?" I look around, half hoping to see Love-rival, half not. I don't see her, why would Gray-samba be here?
"Hey Juvi~" He whispered into me ear, making me shiver.
"Um, I think Lov- uh Lucy went that way." I smile pointing in the wrong direction. "So, I best be off." I turn around about to run but am prevented by a pair of muscular arms. Normally I'd be over joyed but, not today. I turn around and hug Gray-Sama back, making his grip loosen. I take my chance and turn in water, slipping away into the river.
"Juvia is sorry." I whisper. I glide away, I don't know where I'm going but, if it's away, that's what matters. I now know Gray-Sama is after me, which makes my heart swoon, but I am scared. I can't have him catch me, even though that too sounds fun. No! No Juvia no! That doesn't sound fun! Yup, not fun. I hop out of the river and look around, I can't sense any of Gray-samas power, so I should be okay. I run into the pitch dark forest.
Never to be seen again (lol no.)

No ones POV-
Lucy glances up to see a creature infront of her, seemingly protecting her from Aki.
"Natsu?" She whispers, fear laced throughout her voice. She thought, how, this can't be Natsu, Natsu isn't a monster.  She hears the creature whimper after she finished her thought.

Lucy's POV
I see something protecting me. That can't be Natsu, Natsu isn't a monster. I look up after I heard a slight whimper. Like a hurt dog. If that is Natsu, two things- first- I would feel horrible calling him that -second- if, just if that is Natsu, that means he can read my thoughts. That's not good. I see Aki and what I'm going to call END, don't know why, I just felt that is proper because I'm going to so die, fighting I look around, very slightly whisper a 'thank you' and run quietly away. This is getting more and more stressful. Why can't this stupid season be over already!!!

Little did our little Lucy know, the seasons 6th stage is that it will continue until either one of the mates die or they mate. This only qualifies for dragon princes, which Natsu is. So good luck Lucy.

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