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Juvias POV

I pushed Gray-sama down and planted my lips onto his. They were so warm and I could just die right now!!! He picks me up and carries me to the bedroom, while not breaking the kiss. He looked at me and I noticed my clothes were removed. I was only in my underwear. Kyaaaaa! I covered myself with my arms, I'm so embarrassed!

Lemon 🍋 🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞

He smiled and removed my bra. He planted another kiss on my lips before slowly making a trail of wet kisses down to my hip where my guild mark was. I moaned and could feel his smile on my hip. A sudden pain shot throughout my whole body slowly it turned into pleasure. I couldn't hold back, I probably moaned a billion times. He reached back to my neck and sucked really hard. He looked, expecting to see a hicky but there wasn't one.
"Gray-sama, it'll form later, my body is made out of water so it'll take some time for it to show." I smile at him. He seemed a little sad but I packed him in the lips, making him smile. He grabbed my boob and squeezed it, I squeaked and shivered as I felt his warm mouth kiss my nipple. His fiddled one breast while sucking on the other. I was moaning like someone would be screaming after being shot. Weird comparison but I don't think anything else would work. He stopped fiddling with my breasts and slowly made his way to my area. A whole new layer of blush was covering my face.
He removed my panties, leaving me exposed. The cold air felt both refreshing and cold. He looked at me and gave me the look, 'are you ready?'  I smiled and nodded as he slowly inserted a single finger. I squeaked as he moved it around. After a few seconds he inserted another finger. A few squeaks later, there were four fingers in me and they scissored, stretching me out. At this point I was wet. I mean, wet. He brought our lips together before looking at me with a look full of love and a little lust. I noticed he removed his boxers(he wasn't wearing anything else before hand, you know how Gray-sama is) and he was big. I never thought he would be this big. Never in my dreams. I smile and pushes my lips against his, preparing for the pain. He slowly inserted his member. It wasn't nearly as painful as I expected it to be, must be because he prepared me. Gray-sama is the best! I moaned as he continued to push farther in. After a couple seconds, he pushed more. Once he was completely in, I breathed in and arched my hips. He moved around, I could feel him in me. It felt painful, but mainly amazing. I moaned loudly once he hit my sweet spot, I heard him moan as well. He thrusted and thrusted.
"Faster Gray-sama!" I whispered as he followed my command. He thrusted faster and faster, we could both feel ourselves closing in, about to hit climax. He thrusted a few more times before we both climaxed together. He slowly pulled himself out and laid down next to me. Both of us panting. I smiled at him.
"That was amazing."
"Wanna go again?"
My eyes light up, "yes!" I smile, Gray-sama, I love you.

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