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Lucy's POV
It's been a whole week since Natsu marked me. We've been staying in the cabin, everyone that went through this is going to meet up in an hour. We're planing on all going back to the guild together. I'm both happy and sad. I'm happy that I'm going to see everyone again , but I'm a bit sad that I can't stay with Natsu just the two of us for a bit longer. But I do need to pay rent. I'm packing right now, Natsu's things and the things I have claimed that were his. Mostly hoodies but shirts and pants as well. Natsu is fine with it which rocksssss. Natsu is 'cleaning' the house so we can head off. We'll have to leave soon because we are so secluded. It'll take some time to reach the train.

We reach the train that will take us to where we'll meet everyone, Natsu is clinging and begging to walk.
"It will take hours if we walk Natsu! Come on!" I drag him onto the train, receiving stares from other passengers.
Once the train starts moving, Natsu doesn't go to the window, he actually wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face into my neck. Snoring noises come a few seconds later.
"That idiot... my idiot." I smile as I look out the window.
The train ride was quick, which I think Natsu appreciates. We walk down to the small cafe everyone's supposed to meet at.
"Lu-Chan!!" I turn around to see Levy!
"Levy-Chan! Hey!" I smile as I pull her into a tight hug. I notice both Gajeel and Natsu are pouting. Cute! "Levy-Chan, I'm so glad you're alright, no bruises right?! Soreness~?" I smirk as she blushes. I look at her mark and smile, it emphasizes her beauty. She notices mine under my ear and smirks at me. Now both of us are blushing madly. We hear a small giggle and see Mira standing next to Laxus. She looks different, her hairs in a messy bun and she's wearing baggy clothes, just like Levy and I. We all gave up on looking flawless because it's exhausting and we didn't have the things to pretty ourselves up. Levy and I pull her into a hug before spotting Kagura and Rouge. Both look embarrassed, probably nervous about allying to someone else besides themselves. We smile and call them over. The 8 of us take a seat and order some coffee while we wait for the rest to come. All of us girls pulled around each other and told stories about what happened after the boys caught us. Everyone looked offended when I mentioned how rude Natsu was, the boys (with their dragon hearing) flared at Natsu as well. I just smile. He deserves it. We all share how we feel different, we can hear and smell a lot better. Our magic levels are stronger as well. We look up to see Yukino, Sting, Gray, and Juvia walking towards us. They smile and split, boys head over to the boys, girls head over to us girls. With our new found skill of hearing we listen in on the boys. They were all complaining about how they wanted to sit with us. We all smile, I think everyone is happy that everything turned out alright. Yukino and Juvia show is their marks and tell us their stories.
We all boarded the train, this time the boys all quickly sat next to their mates. Natsu wrapped his arms around my waist again, this time tighter though. He lays his head on my lap/ chest, trying to get comfortable. I pay his soft salmon hair and continue to talk to Juvia, who had a Gray holding her. Juvia doesn't call me love-rival anymore. Thank goodness, we actually have a lot in common, so it's nice to talk to her without her being suspicious of me. The ride back is an hour and a half so us girls pull out snacks that we secretly bought at the store next door to the cafe. The boys looked really confused about when we got them. Pushing their hands away we munch on our delicious snacks. I look down to see Natsu giving me puppy eyes. He's so cute I should give him some- No! Lucy, these are your snacks. I shove some more into my mouth and before I know it, Natsu is kissing me and takes my half eaten snacks. I pout and face the other way, the other boys do the same. We glare and all (using face languages) plan our revenge. NO ONE takes our snacks. We all break free and huddle together. He he he. They'll have the snacks or us. We taunt them before the pull us back and hold way tighter- maybe that wasn't the best plan. Oops. I start to doze off and fall asleep on Natsu's shoulder. His warm shoulder and muscular arm supports me.

Natsu snaps me awake as we reach our destination. I stretch and yawn as I stand up. We all talk and walk to the guild. Planing on what to say to who and explain everything to everyone. We're also excited to see Wendy and Romeo because the boys do t know if Romeo marked her or chickened out. The boys said he did, us girls said he didn't. We placed 2 bags of chips as the bet. We really want the chips. Food is life. We all laugh and count to 3 as we slam the door to our home open.

"We're back!!" We smile. Everyone smiles. I don't regret anything.

The end... I am ending it here since I feel it wraps to a satisfying feeling. I thank you all for reading this far!!! Thank you so much! 🤩🤗 hopefully you enjoyed it?!

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