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Levy's POV-

I smile at Gajeel as he takes me to the
bedroom. He kisses me hard and asks for entrance by licking my bottom lip. I squeeze my lips even tighter together, just then I feel a smirk and instantly regret denying him, for he grabs me butt and pulls me up to his eye level, not breaking the kiss, and then grands my butt again! I gasp at his strong grip and he takes that second to slip his tongue in. I attempt to take dominance but it was pointless. I can feel him roaming my mouth, every little crease. It's warm.

It's just a bit of lemon 🍋

He breaks the kiss and starts making a line of kisses down to my neck, stoping once he found my sweet spot which was on the dip of my collar bone. I let out a little moan/squeak and he smirks. I felt a pain course through my body and his tongue lick off the little drops of blood. He continues his trail down my now bare stomach, licking here and there. Once he reaches my nonexistent chest I hear him laugh.
"Stupid Gajeel!" I shove his face downward, just then I realize I shoved his face near my part. Oopssss. I attempt at moving his face away but he doesn't budge. He kisses me hard and I smile while moaning. He looks up at me.
"You ready?"
"Yup." I smile.
End of lemon 🍋
I wake up to extreme pains in my upper legs, why must we be so different in sizes!? I crawl, since I can't walk, to the bathroom for a relaxing shower. Gajeel picks me up after getting a few laughs and willingly takes me there. I glance in the mirror to see the most beautiful symbol ever. I leave this to your imagination. Gajeel grins and pulls me into the shower with him. All I can do is look away with a face as red as Erza's hair. He kisses my neck and turns me around so we are facing each other. Planting a kiss on my lips, I feel the rush of last night.
"Wanna go at it again?" Gajeel smirks.
"...sure..." I hope I can walk by next week. I really do. He plants a kiss before taking charge.

A/n sorry that Gale wasn't strong. I feel like I'm bullying poor little Levy by making her do that with Gajeel. I mean they still did, but Levy was too innocent for me to write it. 😐 sorry.

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