Chapter 13

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A loud knock on the door woke Andi up, Ashley barged in even before Andi can open her eyes. She shook her excitedly, "Andiiii! Kyle asked me out!!!" she let out a squeal.

Andi opened her eyes slowly, and yawned "Really? Wow. I thought you two were already an item, seeing you flirt in school" she teased.

Ashley rolled her eyes, "No! It wasn't official then" she defended.

Andi raised her hand as if in surrender, "Could've fooled me" she retorted.

"Whatever. Did you pack?" Ashley asked, looking around the room.

Andi swung her legs off the bed, her feet dangling above the floor. "No" she muttered. Ashley sat on one of the beanbags, and played some music on the speakers, "Hurry up and pack already" she ordered.

After an hour, Andi is done packing up. They went down to eat breakfast, she grabbed a bacon from Shane's plate.

"Rude much?" Shane teased. Andi stuck out her tongue and poured some juice.

"Let's get going, Andi, pick your friends up and I'll meet you there okay?" Shane said.

They kissed their parents goodbye and drove away. Andi and Ashley picked up Dana and Seth in Dana's house. Seth handed over his iPod for a new playlist, "Crank it up! it's new!" he exclaimed.

Kyle was playing basketball with his older brothers, when he saw the car he rushed inside and emerged with a duffel bag. Ashley hugged him and climbed inside the backseat with Kyle. Andi put the car in gear, and let out a sigh. She stopped in front of Sky's house, he was stepping outside when he saw the car. He went back inside to say goodbye and placed his bag in the back. He climbed in the passenger seat and buckled his seatbelt, "Andi?" he called.

Andi was brought back, "Huh?" she replied.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Yeah" Andi nodded, and released her tight grip on the wheel. She drove them to the villa, an hour away, her phone rang. It was Shane informing her that they've arrived.

"Hey Seth?" Andi called, "My brother said he already signed you up as a member in their team"

"That's great news!" Seth exclaimed, "thanks, Andi"

They were in a steep road, the surroundings full of trees. She turned left and after a few minutes, they arrived in the villa. Andi parked her car beside Shane's car, she looked at her friends, "One of our nannies will take our things upstairs. Two rooms, one for the boys and one for the girls. Just bring down your essentials." she reminded.

She walked to the door, ignoring Sky, the others were behind her. "Andi!" someone screamed, a shirtless guy swung her on his shoulders and ran to the kitchen. Sky was ready to grab the guy, when Seth touched his shoulder, "She's fine, okay?" he reminded. Sky let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding.

"Hi!" Shane appeared with a can of coke in hand, "You must be Andi's friends. I'm Shane, her brother" he greeted. Ashley smiled at him, "This is Kyle, Seth and his girlfriend, Dana"

"Pleasure. I hope you guys enjoy" he replied. His attention shifted to where Sky's eyes were fixated, Andi was on the couch, the shirtless guy had his arm draped on her shoulder.

"Brent!" Shane called, "will you please stop harassing my sister already and put on some shirt."

Brent noticed the group of people behind Shane, "Hi!" he exclaimed, "I'm Brent. Sorry, my boyfriend and I were playing some basketball before you got here. I don't mean to be half naked" he explained. Behind him, Andi laughed, holding her stomach.

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