Chapter 14

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"Andi! What happened?" Ashley exclaimed as soon as she saw Andi.

Shane rushed to her, he lifted her face so they are eye to eye, "Are you okay?" he asked frantically.

"A group of guys was trying to harass her" Sky explained, "but I got there before something happened"

Andi eyed him through her peripheral vision. Dana and Ashley stood beside her, "I'll help you to our room" Dana offered. Ashley saw something drip to the floor, she shifted her eyes to Sky's hand. It was mostly covered with red, a few more drops fell on the floor.

"Sky! your hand is hurt!" she yelled.

Sky lifted his hand to inspect, it was a bit bloody mostly from the guy's nose when he punched him but he got a few small open wound on his knuckles. "It's fine" he said, his eyes met Andi's. Hers were full of hurt and concern, he wanted to reach for her hand but before he could even take a step, she ran upstairs.

"Sam, can you check on her? Ash, fix Sky's hand" Shane reprimanded.

Sam went upstairs; Ashley and Dana pulled Sky towards the kitchen.

"What happened, Sky?" Dana asked worriedly.

"I punched the one of the guys trying to harm Andi" he replied.

Ashley cleaned his hand, she washed off the blood and wiped it with a cotton soaked in alcohol. Sky winced a little, Dana handed him a pack of ice. He placed it over his hand and walked outside, he kept his eyes on Andi's room window.

Sam knocked, and turned the knob "Please go away" Andi said, her voice hearse.

"Andi what's wrong?" she asked walking over to the bed, Andi was sitting on the floor crying.

Andi shook her head and turned away from Sam, "I want to be alone" she said firmly.

Sam put her hand on Andi's back, "Is it about Sky?" she asked, "Andi, it's not wrong to fall for someone. Clement is gone, he's not coming back. You've been on your own for a long time now, it's time to open up to love again."

"I don't like him that way. I just feel that I'm getting too attached to him and distancing from Clement" Andi replied.

"Andi," Sam sighed, "Sky is a really great guy" she said.

Andi buried her face on her hands and cried, Sam tried to console her but she moved away from her touch. Sam stood up, before leaving, she gave Andi one last look and opened the door. She was surprised to see Ashley standing there with an upset face, "Ashley" she said.

"I'll talk to her" she volunteered and opened the door. Andi looked up, her eyes swollen because of crying. Ashley sat beside her and gave her a tight hug, "Andi, set yourself free" she mumbled.

Andi stared at Ashley, "No. If I was the one who died, Clement won't be with anyone else" she defended.

"Andi, you've waited for a long time. People will understand if you decide to move on" Ashley urged.

"Ashley, I love Clement okay?" Andi said.

"Listen, you have a chance to be with this really amazing guy, and you're passing it up because you think staying single will make my dead brother happy" she stated, "He's dead okay? And I know he would be happy to see the girl he loved be with someone deserving of her."

Andi wiped her eyes, "Sky doesn't like me that way" she said.

"Well, whatever. The point is, if you feel something for Sky, don't stop yourself just because you think it is disloyalty to Clement" she retorted. Ashley stood up and opened the door, "stop crying already, come down. You're missing all the fun, you know" she left and went downstairs.

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