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y/n pov
it was another night of me just relaxing in my room.

i look over at my snake out of boredom, hoping that he'd do something somewhat entertaining. it seemed like hours that i just watched him slither around in his terrarium.

my phone was dead and charging, and i had nothing to do, so i decided to just go over to my computer and play some video games.

i join into a pubg squad match, and i am randomly paired up with 4 people:
goodguyfits, zuckles, smii7y, johnontheradio, and mccreamy.

i decided to say "hey, where are we dropping at?" immediately i heard snickering. then a guy mocking somebody by saying "iS tHat A GAmEr gIRl?"

i was tempted to just quit the match, because i hated it when guys would harass me.

i ignore the comment. "soooooooo, how was your day, pursula?" said one guy named goodguyfitz.

(pursula is your username for everything in this story, sorry! i couldn't think of anything better lolol)

i respond. "i guess it was okay. i've just been sitting in my room all day. how about you?"

we had a mature conversation. after talking to all of them, it seemed like the only mature one was goodguyfitz. but i couldn't help but notice that one of them wasn't talking. mccreamy.

"hey mccreamy, you ok dude?" i ask, almost a bit concerned. "oh yeah. just tired. why?" he mumbled.

i could tell he was also from new zealand because of his slight accent.

"you just seemed a lot quieter compared to everybody else." i said, no emotion in my voice.

we obviously didn't win that game. "hey pursula, we've been looking for a fifth squad member. wanna join us?" says smii7y.

"ummmm, i guess if that's okay with everybody else?" i ask, hoping i'm not annoying anybody.

everybody agreed to it. i joined into their lobby. we ended up playing for hours before many of them had to get off.

there were 3 of us left. zuckles, me, and mccreamy. zuckles had to leave to go to bed, so it was now just mccreamy and i.

since i was guessing zuckles and mccreamy lived in close time zones, i was guessing it was night for both of them.

"don't you need to go to bed too?" i ask mccreamy, filling the silence. after a few seconds, he responded "i mean, yeah- but i'm just in the mood to stay up all night."

we talked in the in game lobby for about an hour, then we just decided to go to skype since i didn't have a discoed. his webcam was black since it was night for him, and mine was covered because i obviously don't want a stranger to see what i look like.

we ended up talking for hours, and we made plans to play again the next day, since we both liked talking to eachother.

i was mid sentence when i started to hear light snoring.

he was asleep.

"goodnight..." i said, half laughing, as i shut off my computer, disconnecting from the skype call.

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